martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

World's Best Basketball Freestyle Dunks (Carla Álvarez)

1 comentario:

  1. I think that this video it's interesting because it shows you that basketball isn't always the same.It shows you that you can do many other things with a ball and that flexibility is also an important skills,because without it, they couldn't do this.In the video you can see a gruop of people that do extraordaniry this with mats,a basket and some ball.This people are very prepared for what they do and they probable have been doing thiongs like this for many time.If you are a person that doesn't know how to do somersaults or special jumps,it's better keeping away of this practices,because you are probably going to get hurt.I am going to finih saying that I think this is very interesting but also very difficult and I do not think i am ever going to learn it.


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