domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Basic Basketball Rules.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello,
    I am Ángel of 3º B of secundary school and this is my post of the second term.
    I am going to talk about of basketball, how many minutes
    I choose this video becouse I think that it´s very important to play good basketball.
    The video consist of the basic rules of basketball,in this case we can see repetitions of different matches and each one with a text that explains the different situations, like in which basket we have to score, how many players can be in the basketball court.
    Now I am going to explain some rules:
    - Two points, when the shot is taken in of the three-point line.
    - Three points, when the shot is taken behind the three-point line.
    - One point, when the shot is a free-throw.
    Okey this is all of my video about bascketball rules.
    I hope you liked and understand all.
    Bye, Bye


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