jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017

Why is yoga important for flexibility?

Yoga and Flexibility

It is widely known that the words yoga and stretching go hand in hand. Everyone should stretch regularly as part of a general fitness regime. Yoga stretches not only the muscles, but also the joints. Stretching is something that is not done for 5 minutes before another form of exercise.
Yogic stretching is the exercise, stay clear of the token type of stretching that exist out there and do some real stuff!
Yoga also helps to prevent muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery between whatever training sessions you give it. Yogic stretching is like a constant battery charger. It loosens tight muscles, which tend to trap lactic acid, the waste product that accumulates in the muscle cells during other hard training sessions apart from yoga that you may like to partake in. 
Increasing flexibility is very important, yoga has positions that act upon the whole body including those joints that are never really on the ‘radar screen’ let alone exercised.
A body which may have been quite rigid at the beginning of learning yoga will start to experience a remarkable flexibility in all parts, even those parts which have not been consciously worked upon. Correct Yogic stretching develops the entire body.
When the entire body is trained together, it develops a sense of harmony and balance. When opposing muscle groups are trained together, flexibility will come faster as the opposing muscle groups work together not against or without each other.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello good mornig for everyone.
    I want to share my opinion with Lena, and I think she's right, that the word stretch and yoga go hand in hand.
    I also think that yoga should be practiced by more people, because not only stretching the muscles, but also the joints, is very complete.
    He is also right in that when you begin to do yoga the muscles are very rigid, but then they are released and helps a lot to relax.

    Anyway, with Lena's comment, I learned a lot, I knew that yoga existed but not that I had so many functions.

  2. I put this article because I think that we already know what Yoga is but not really the relationship between yoga and physical education, in this case flexibility. Also I think that a lot of people consider yoga only for old people or bored women, but it isn't, yoga is a very good way to maintain your physical condition and also to improve your flexibility.
    Yoga is not only good for your flexibility, it is also quite good for your mental health and stability because it helps you to relax and focus better on the important things.

  3. Hello, good afternoon to everyone:
    I think that Yoga is a very interesting activity and I would like learn yoga movements like the sun salutation , I think that is also a important activity because helps to prevent muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery and also is good for your mental health, yoga is also very important to lose weight, and it also relaxes the tensions, in my opinion yoga should be more practised because I think that is very interesting and a very important activity, and this is my comment about this article, i hope you liked it and you understand.

  4. In my opinion flexibility is good because it is the ability to move the joints freely, without pain, to the greatest possible extent. This requires that the muscles around each joint are not contracted, but sufficiently stretched.

  5. Hello, i don't know so much about yoga so i find this information interesting, yoga had a lot of benefits, i think that im going to start practising yoga becasuse although im not very flexible it had a lot of properties like joints stretches, prevention of muscle soreness and the faster recovery can help me in other differents sports thet i play, also can help to relax my body before a stressful day.
    Thank you for the information and regards.

  6. I agree with the post
    The fundamental thing is that they teach us to recover the most real of ourselves and to connect with our angles of tranquility, even in the general restlessness or social disorder in which we are partakers, thus reaching inner peace.
    and if we practice it regularly we strengthen ourselves, toning each part of our body. We also help develop our capacity for endurance and flexibility, allowing us an adequate race of our energy, multiplying our power of concentration and relaxation.

  7. Hello.
    I agree with the post because I think that yoga is very important. reading this article I learning new things such as if we do yoga we stretch our muscle and joints,. I know that yoga helps us to prevent the muscle soreness.
    In my opinion yoga is more for relaxing than for stretch our muscle. This can help us to improve our flexibility because when we do yoga we have to do different positions that sometimes need a very good flexibility and can be difficult for us.


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