miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

The future of basketball

2 comentarios:

  1. Good morning everyone
    I chose this video because after having been watching on You Tube I thought it was unique because of what the protagonist does.
    A thirteen-year-old boy does spectacular things playing basketball; plays, movements and shots that many people although training for years will not get to do in your life.
    This boy in my point of view will get to play in the NBA when he is older for his skill in this sport.
    I hope you like it.

  2. Hello Adrian!
    I share your opinion, I have been watching the video and it seems spectacular how good the boy is. He knows how to move very well through the field and distribute the ball!
    I hope that this guy continues playing and training that great skill that he has, if he continues like this he will become a lot in the world of basketball!


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