sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2022

Best moments of Andres Iniesta

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  1. In this video we can see the best plays of Andrés Iniesta, a football legend known for playing and developing part of his career in the Barcelona Club and in the Spanish team, he is considered one of the best footballers in the world of his generation and one of the best midfielders in the history of football. At the moment he plays as a midfielder in the Japanese league. For him it was not easy to say goodbye to his team Barcelona since he started from the age of 18 and for him it has been all those years. I have chosen this video because it seemed nice to remember it, I hope you liked my video.

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  3. En este video vemos a Andrés Iniesta marcando goles y enseñándonos técnicas para marcarles las cuales nos sirven para meter mejores goles y en este caso les esta metiendo con el futbol club Barcelona. Tambien esta haciendo pases increíbles y asistencias para que los compañeros marquen gol. Andrés Iniesta tambien esta haciendo muchos regates efectivos para regatearse de los rivales. Ha sido unos de los futbolistas que mas me han gustado que hayan estado en el fútbol Club Barcelona. Me parecía un gran futbolista porque jugaba muy bien, además tambien juega en la Selección Española y marcó el gol en el Mundial en 2010. Me ha gustado mucho tu video, Jimena.

  4. In this video we see how Andrés Iniesta uses techniques to dribble and score quite difficult and impressive goals. He also makes passes with his teammates and gets assists. In this video we can see how almost all of Iniesta's shots are from the top corner or near the crossbar. I am very happy that he has been in a team like F.C Barcelona, in this video we can see how the whole team and the Catalans celebrate the goals in the stands. Thanks to Iniesta we won the 2010 World Cup against the Netherlands in the 116th minute Thank you very much for this video Jimena

  5. Andrés Iniesta was one of my favorite football players of my generation. I love watching him when he played for the Spanish team. He was like a genius with the ball. I considered him one of the best Spanish players and midfielders in history.
    Also, he scored the goal in the World Final Cup in 2010 against Holland, in minute 116.
    Iniesta also played for the F.C. Barcelona, the team in which he obtain 31 titles in 22 years. Now, he is playing for a Japanese team.
    I like very much this video, Jimena, because Iniesta was one of my favorite football players in history


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