jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015


2 comentarios:

  1. My love basketball, it's a fun sport to practice as much to see on television and the good thing about basketball is that always wins the best. To win a game must be won from the beginning to the end and if you do not play well then do not win. Please bear some discretion to respond! I weigh or not the best NBA player Kobe Bryant is active and has merits in all its more than enough career to be (5 ring, its level in the Lakers for over 10 years, etc). A LeBron James still has a lot to do and to get and if you get more rings at best can be the best but you should also keep your best game when more and more it's not that easy. Carmelo Anthony is good player but not the best, it is quite obvious that it is not the best. The best of the story is that Michael Jordan was the best, at decisive moments Bulls did not make plays, they did was give to Jordan and Jordan ran. He won 2 times 3 consecutive rings (6 in total) and finally .... I could be talking about tomorrow sporting merit because he was arguably the best athlete in history. And why not ?, LeBron James in the future could surpass Jordan.

  2. I chose this video among many that I have seen that as in the previous video that eh commented I have explained everything correctly and without errors and that helps improve as people start playing basketball because it is a beautiful sport and entertaining at the same time fascinating and difficult and it makes you piqyues and jueges, the rules are well yu measures so here nothing more to say greetings and until next time.


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