domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

The Rules of Handball (Team Handball or Olympic Handball) - EXPLAINED!

3 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video just for review the rules we learnt the other day in the P.E lesson. I think that handball is really diferent between the sports we play here in spain, for example here in spain you play basketball or football and I think that football or basketball passes are easier than the handball passe.

    I only play handball twice in my life. The first time which I play handball was when I was in a campaing and I remembre that it wasn´t my favorite sport because i was so bad.
    The second time that i played handball was during these three or four days in class, I think I´m better than when I play when I was too Young.
    I don´t like so much this sport because i think it is a Little bit boring.

  2. Lorena, I think this video that you posted is very good. Explains very well the rules given in class, passes, boats or field meters. Handball seems a difficult sport and I agree with you that it seems easier basketball. I also think it is a little dangerous sport for the faults that are allowed. In the video I have seen pushing and grabs to players. Because of this I didn't like this sport, I prefer others like basketball, swimming and tennis.

  3. Hello lorena ,I think you picked a perfect video for people who do not know how to play handball ueda have a basis to learn and know how to play this sport seems difficult to play but with this video you clarifies the rules and have a guide to play in your video There Were Explained the size of the field, the 6-7 meters of the line to shoot the ball. They too Explain all the oportunities to attack and deafense.


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