sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017


4 comentarios:

  1. I like this video because shows some dribbles of basketbal. The first is one of the most common dribble that is pass the ball behing you. You only have to open your legs a bit and with one arm pass the ball to the other hand. The second is pass the ball between your legs, you only have to do a step forward and pass the ball. The The third is turn your body with the ball. You have to do one step backward. Then shows all the bribbles with the defender. I hope you like it and understood. Thanks for watching.

  2. Good Andres I liked the video you've posted on the blog. It is not a video in which I teach you how to throw, pass or same drive with the ball, if not that teaches the best dribbles of very famous players of the NBA and also in a season in which for my opinion is of the best that there could have been in the history of This great league, for a sport like basketball where people who are high tends to stand out is very well that pick in this top to people with a good ball handling I congratulate you on your choice.

  3. I really like this video. Amazing!
    Is not a tutorial were they explain but seeing this video teach you some strategies that can be useful in matchs. Also it shows the matches of one of the most famous liges and his teams. There are amazing throws and dribbles for the highest players. I'm not so fan of basketball but in my opinion the best for me was the 3 one, that dribble that make the enemy fall and then the triple shoot.
    Instead of the dribbles and shoots of 2012, I would have liked the 2017 ones that are more actual.

  4. Me gusta este video porque enseña algunos regates de baloncesto. El primero es un regate más común que se pasa la pelota por debajo de las piernas. Sólo tienes que abrir las piernas un poco y con un brazo pasar la pelota a la otra mano. El segundo es pasar la pelota entre las piernas, sólo tienes que dar un paso adelante y pasar la pelota. El tercero es dar vuelta a su cuerpo con la bola. Tienes que hacer un paso atrás. A continuación, muestra todos los regates con el defensor. Espero que os haya gustado mi comentario sobre el vídeo de Andrés.


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