viernes, 6 de julio de 2018
martes, 12 de junio de 2018
lunes, 11 de junio de 2018
viernes, 8 de junio de 2018
jueves, 7 de junio de 2018
Football Origins
There is evidence found which reveals that civilizations such as the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas have played games similar to football
Maybe this is one of the reasons why South American national teams have been so dominant in modern football. Their love affair with game has been there for thousands of years.
As early as 3000 BC, in the land of what is today's Mexico, the Aztecs and other peoples invented games that could have served their religious and political aspirations, in contrast with the military-minded games of ball of the Chinese and the Romans.
Some peoples such as the Tainos, pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Bahamas, used the game as a bonding ceremony between their tribes and communities. The celebration was also coupled by dancing, singing and feasts. The game that resembled football was usually played on a cemented field which was lined with stones.
Another ancient game, called Tlachtli, played in South America by the Aztecs rivaled the Chinese Tsu’Chu as to which one was the oldest. It was played in every major city in the Aztec empire and served an important role in their religious rituals. Tlachtli was sacred for the Aztecs and was used for deeply religious purposes.
The game was played on courts, usually placed near a temple to emphasize the sacred meaning of the game.
The game itself was a mix of some of our modern games such as volleyball, basketball and football. The use of hands was prohibited, and the ball that was usually used was made of natural rubber.
The object of Tlachtli was to put a ball into a hoop, approximately 30 centimeters wide, and in this way defeat the opposing team (It must be noted that it was quite difficult to do that).
There were also penalty points given to the opposing team when a player used his hand or if the ball touched the ground. Whatever the score was if a team was successful in putting the ball through the hoop they were immediately pronounced winners.
It was an entirely different thing when it came to the rewards for the win. In some cultures across ancient South America, the “fortunate” winners were sacrificed to the gods. In others, which was most often the case, the losers of the game Tlachtli were the ones who were sacrificed.
Another ancient game with similarities to modern football originated in the Far East, specifically Japan.
They called it Kemari. It is believed that the game has been influenced by its Chinese counterpart Tsu’Chu. Kemari originated around year 600, during the Asuka period.
The game involved kicking about a ball, called Mari, made of deerskin with the hair facing inside, filled with barley grains, and it was sewn together using horse skin.
The kicker of the ball was called Mariashi. It was not as spectacular as the Chinese game and it was not that competitive but it still involved a lot of exercise for the whole body.
The Japanese Kemari was considered a game that produces a dignified and ceremonial experience in whoever took part in it. It still plays an important part in the Japanese culture even today.
The games of ball that were played throughout the world during these times had very little in common with their modern counterpart.
Nevertheless, they played an important role in the cultures of the great civilizations then, and served a variety of social needs. We would not be wrong to say the same about our modern game of football.
After all, history just shows the path that led it to become what it is today.
miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018
3 simple ways to improve your running speed.
1. Begin your workout. Warm up by walking or slowly jogging for five minutes.
2. Run at a moderate pace for fifteen minutes. Run at a pace that isn’t too difficult but keeps your heartrate up. Aim for 70-80% of your fastest running speed.
3. Begin the interval training. This is the part of the exercise that improves your endurance and builds muscle. Run for one minute at your maximum speed, working hard to bring up your heart rate and exhaust your muscles. Then walk for two minutes, letting your muscles cool down.
4. Repeat this process four times. Repetition is important because it forces your system to absorb oxygen more efficiently. Over time, this raises the maximum amount of oxygen you can have in your blood. The more oxygen you have, the harder and faster you’ll be able to run!
5. Cool down. Walk for another five minutes
1. Stretch before you begin running. It’s important to loosen up your muscles before you begin to exercise. This can prevent injuries and reduces the risk of cramps while you run.
2. Do some leg swings. Hold on to a sturdy object such as a chair. Stand on one leg and swing your other leg forward and backwards. Repeat for both legs.
3. Stretch after you run. Even though you’ll be exhausted from running, it’s important to stretch so that your muscles don’t cramp up.
4. Do two sets of standing calves. Face a wall and press your palms against the wall at chest-level.
1. Visit the gym three times a week. If you don’t spend time building your muscles at the gym, you can injure yourself running or hit a “performance plateau.” This means that you don’t see any improvement for a long period of time despite training harder and harder.
2. Do some squats using dumbbells. Choose some relatively light dumbbells. Spread your feet about shoulder-width apart and point your toes forward. Hold the dumbbells in your arms down against your side. Lower yourself down into a squatting position, keeping your knees under your toes and extending your rear backwards. Do several repetitions of this exercise.
3. Do some planks. Lie down on the floor or on a yoga mat. Put your hands directly underneath your shoulders a shoulder-width apart. Straighten your back and neck, creating a straight line with your body. Hold this position for a minute before resting.
4. Do a set of pushups.
Football laws:
Number of Players. Two teams of no more than 11 players (one of which is the goalkeeper). A game cannot start if either team has less than 7 players.
Referee. The referee ensures the Laws of the Game are respected and upheld.
Assistant Referees. There may be at most 2 assistant referees.
Duration of the Match. The game is played in 2 halves consisting of 45 minutes each. The half time interval must not exceed more than 15 minutes. At the discretion of the referee more time is allowed to compensate for any stoppage during play e.g. Due to substitutions or care and attention of injured players.
Start and Restart of Play. A kick-off starts play at the start of the match or after a goal. A kick-off involves one player kicking the ball, from stationary, forward from the centre spot. All players must be in their own half prior to kick-off. A coin is tossed pre-game, the team which loses the toss are awarded the kick-off to start the game whilst the team that win the toss are allowed to choose which direction they want to play. After half time the teams switch direction and the other team will kick-off. After a goal is scored, the team which conceded the goal will kick-off to restart play.
Method of Scoring. The ball crosses the goal line inside the goal mouth.
Offside. It is an offence for a player to be in contact with the ball when they are closer to the opponents' goal than both the ball and the second-last opponent. The offside rule exists to ensure there are always opponents (generally the goal keeper and a defender) between a player receiving the ball and the goal. Without the offside rule, play can become boring with repeated long balls being kicked to a player stood next to the goalkeeper for an easy goal.
Fouls/Misconduct. These are many and varied, broadly speaking it is an offence to use excessive force whilst playing the game either deliberately or undeliberately or to handle the ball (unless you are a goal keeper). The referee may show the yellow card to caution players for less serious offences and the red card for more serious offences resulting in the player being sent off. Two yellow cards are equivalent to one red card.
Free Kicks. Are given by the referee for fouls and misconduct. A free kick can either be direct or indirect. A goal can be scored directly from a direct free kick. A goal can only be scored from an indirect free kick if it touches at least one other player first. The free kick must be taken from a stationary position with that position varying depending on whether the free kick was given inside or outside the goal area and whether it's direct or indirect. The opposing team must be a minimum of 9.15 m from the ball when the free kick is taken.
Kicks. Are given against a team when they commit an offence which would
normally be awarded a direct free kick inside their goal area. The ball
is kicked from stationary from the penalty spot. The opposing team must
be outside of the penalty area and at least 9.15 m from the ball. Number of Players. Two teams of no more than 11 players (one of which is the goalkeeper). A game cannot start if either team has less than 7 players.
Referee. The referee ensures the Laws of the Game are respected and upheld.
Assistant Referees. There may be at most 2 assistant referees.
Duration of the Match. The game is played in 2 halves consisting of 45 minutes each. The half time interval must not exceed more than 15 minutes. At the discretion of the referee more time is allowed to compensate for any stoppage during play e.g. Due to substitutions or care and attention of injured players.
Start and Restart of Play. A kick-off starts play at the start of the match or after a goal. A kick-off involves one player kicking the ball, from stationary, forward from the centre spot. All players must be in their own half prior to kick-off. A coin is tossed pre-game, the team which loses the toss are awarded the kick-off to start the game whilst the team that win the toss are allowed to choose which direction they want to play. After half time the teams switch direction and the other team will kick-off. After a goal is scored, the team which conceded the goal will kick-off to restart play.
Method of Scoring. The ball crosses the goal line inside the goal mouth.
Offside. It is an offence for a player to be in contact with the ball when they are closer to the opponents' goal than both the ball and the second-last opponent. The offside rule exists to ensure there are always opponents (generally the goal keeper and a defender) between a player receiving the ball and the goal. Without the offside rule, play can become boring with repeated long balls being kicked to a player stood next to the goalkeeper for an easy goal.
Fouls/Misconduct. These are many and varied, broadly speaking it is an offence to use excessive force whilst playing the game either deliberately or undeliberately or to handle the ball (unless you are a goal keeper). The referee may show the yellow card to caution players for less serious offences and the red card for more serious offences resulting in the player being sent off. Two yellow cards are equivalent to one red card.
Free Kicks. Are given by the referee for fouls and misconduct. A free kick can either be direct or indirect. A goal can be scored directly from a direct free kick. A goal can only be scored from an indirect free kick if it touches at least one other player first. The free kick must be taken from a stationary position with that position varying depending on whether the free kick was given inside or outside the goal area and whether it's direct or indirect. The opposing team must be a minimum of 9.15 m from the ball when the free kick is taken.
Throw-in. Used to restart play after the whole of the ball has crossed the touch line.
Goal kick. Used to restart play after a goal has been scored.
Corner Kick. Is given when the whole of the ball crosses the goal line and was last touched by a member of the defending team (and no goal was scored). A corner kick is taken from inside the corner arc
Speed is the physical capacity that allows us to carry out motor actions in the shortest possible time.
Speed types:
- AVERAGE SPEED: This speed shows in a certain time interval and is calculated by dividing the displacement by time.
- INSTANT SPEED: Through this you can know what is the speed of a particular object that moves in a path that is characterized by a very short period of time, so the space traveled will be too.
- RELATIVE SPEED: This is established from two observers and arises from the value of the speed of one of the observers that has been measured by another.
- REACTION SPEED: Is the ability to respond to a stimulus in the least amount of time.
- ACTION SPEED: This is defined in the ability to maintain maximum speed.
- RESISTANCE SPEED: The ability to achieve short reactions at maximum speed.
- GESTURAL SPEED: It is the ability to respond, in the least amount of time possible, to a gesture.
- SPEED OF DISPLACEMENT OR TRANSFER: It is determined by the relation of a certain route in a shorter possible time.
- MENTAL SPEED: It is the speed in which it responds to a verbal or motor stimulus.
There are some important factors on which speed depends, are:
Types of muscle fibers: The speed of contraction of a muscle depends, to a large extent, on the type of fibers that compose it. There is a great relationship between the percentage of fast fibers, type II or white and the speed of movements. Practitioners and athletes of speed activities have a predominance of fast or white fibers, which can make us think that it is a factor that determines improvements in performance of this capacity.
How to improve your speed
1. Start with Wall Drivers
The most important part of sprinting is the start. To practice the correct starting form:
- Stand in front of a wall in a two-point stance, as shown in the following video.
- Drive into the wall, achieving triple extension (hip extension, knee extension, ankle plantar flexion) on your back leg, and drive your front knee forward and up to hip height. Your front knee should be bent at 90 degrees in the top position.
2. Perform Heavy Sled Drags
Another way to practice efficient acceleration at the start is to perform Heavy Sled Drags for 10 to 15 yards. To be considered "heavy," the weight on the sled should be close to your max Squat. The key here, as with Wall Drives, is to achieve triple extension on the back leg while powerfully driving your front knee forward. Then drive your front foot down and back into the ground to propel yourself forward instead of reaching out and "pulling" yourself forward.
3. Dvelop Isometric and Eccentric Hamstring Strength
The best way to train your hamstrings to improve running speed is to perform eccentric and isometric exercises. When running, the hamstrings don't act primarily as knee flexors. Instead, they work to keep the knee joint stable as force transfers from the hips. They also assist the glutes in hip extension and slow down knee extension during the swing phase.
For isometric strength, do Bent-Knee Hip Thrusts on a ball or bench for three sets of 10 to 15 reps. Start with your knees at a 10- to 20-degree bend and maintain that angle throughout the entire exercise by contracting your hamstrings. Don't rest your butt on the ground. Just tap and go. Add weight in the form of a barbell or dumbbell placed across your waist if necessary.
4. Use Good Arm Swing Mecanics
An easy way to speed up your sprint is to make sure your arms are moving efficiently. As you run, keep your elbows at 90 degrees and bring each hand up in front of your face. Lower your hand as if you're about to put it in your pocket. Don't let yourself hunch forward with slouched shoulders; it will slow you down.
The Rev-Up Start is a good drill to ingrain good arm swing mechanics. Get into a two-point stance and move your arms as if you were running. Keep your shoulders back and your arms at 90 degrees. After a few practice arm swings, take off into a sprint and maintain focus on your arm swing.
5. Improve Stride Length
Many runners make the mistake of taking lots of short, choppy steps when they try to run fast. A better option is to take longer strides, and make them as powerful as possible. To lengthen your stride, focus on getting full triple extension on your back leg, rather than attempting to reach forward with your front leg. If your foot lands in front of your center of gravity during acceleration, it will slow you down; so focus on driving your feet back at ground strike instead of just letting your feet smack the ground.
martes, 5 de junio de 2018
lunes, 4 de junio de 2018
1- A football match lasts 40 minutes, with 20 minutes every period, and a rest of 15 minutes. The time of game is royal, that is to say; it is timed.
2- Two launches exist of penal, one from six meters, when a player commits a lack inside his own area; and other one from 10 meters, which one gives after an equipment has accumulated five lacks.
3- The football has four umpires, two that deal what happens in the field, while other two take charge of the time and of the accumulated lacks.
4- In a football match room does not exist out of game, for what the defensive tactics are different. Normally, the half of the equipment (doorman and other two players) has to remain behind.
5- The planchazos on the adversary on having disputed the ball are not allowed, the distances in the barriers are five meters and when a party defines for shots from the point penalty, are initially three.
6- When a player is expelled, his equipment must play with four football players in a time of 2 minutes, until a goal is marked. Only after this, it will be able to complete the list of 5 players.
7- Every equipment can ask a dead time of a minute per period. The trainer must request it at any time in that his equipment has the ball.
8- Volatile substitutions are allowed, that is to say; they can change with the ball into game and the one that goes out can enter again.
9- On having had a minor duration and a limited space, the speed, the skill and the technology receive major importance, due to this, it is not valid to annotate a goal directly of one extract of exit.
10- Extract of band it is realized by the foot, for the site where it left the field, and if a player delays more than four seconds in doing it to him, is granted to the opposite equipment.
Ten Ways to Improve Speed
Ten Ways to Improve Speed
Carl Lewis ran 9.92 seconds at the Seoul Olympics for a new American record in the 100 meters. Lewis won the gold medal after Ben Johnson tested positive for steroids. Lewis stated that he had run as fast as he could, but this wasn’t true. Lewis made four critical errors and probably could have run as fast as 9.87 seconds that day. First, he turned his head three times to look at Johnson—that’s three errors. Because he turned his head, Lewis was unable to be as fluid as he could have been. His fourth error was letting up 2 or 3 yards (2-3 meters) before the finish line.
The point of this story is that paying attention to the details is essential to improving your speed, even with elite athletes such as Carl Lewis. With that lesson, here are 10 guaranteed ways to improve your speed:
1. Sprint train twice per week, minimum.
2. Run 10 sprints, varying from 10 to 50 yards (9-46 meters).
3. Time your sprints twice per month (record and chart all times).
4. Sprint all year round. In bad weather, run the 20-yard (18-meter) dash for time indoors.
5. Use video analysis. It can be extremely valuable!
6. Perform flexibility training six times per week (see chapter 14). To improve speed, you must stretch correctly.
7. Perform plyometrics twice per week, minimum.
8. Parallel squat. If you squat but don’t go parallel, you will not improve speed maximally. You must squat to parallel, no exceptions!
9. Perform the straight-leg deadlift to strengthen and stretch the glutes and hamstrings at the same time.
10. Practice power cleans to develop an explosive start.
sábado, 2 de junio de 2018
viernes, 1 de junio de 2018
miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018
lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018
domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018
sábado, 19 de mayo de 2018
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018
miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018
martes, 15 de mayo de 2018
lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018
jueves, 19 de abril de 2018
What is strenght?
The strenght is the basic physical capacity that allows ous to win a resistence through muscular contraction, as well as the power or effort to hold a body or resist a push. The effects that a force can have are: •That a body becomes deformed (for example, if we squeeze or stretch a piece of chewing gum). •That a body remains at rest (for example, to keep a bridge stretched, you have to force it). •And that it changes its state of motion (either when the object is static, or accelerating it or slowing it down when it is moving). Types of strenght: •Agile Strenght. The ability to decelerate, control and generate muscle force in a multiplanar environment. •Strength Endurance. The ability to maintain muscular contractions or a consistent level of muscle force for extended periods of time. •Explosive Strength. Produce a maximal amount of force in a minimal amount of time; muscle lengthening followed by rapid acceleration through the shortening phase. Focus is on the speed of movement through a range of motion (ROM). •Maximum Strength. The highest level of muscle force that can be produced, maximum strength is the ability of a muscle or specific group of muscles to recruit and engage all motor units to generate maximal tension against an external resistance. Requires high levels of neuromuscular efficiency to enhance both intra- and intermuscular coordination. •Relative Strengt. Amount of force generated per unit of bodyweight. Can be increased by using all of the various types of strength training to improve the magnitude of force production while maintaining or reducing total body mass. •Speed Strength. The maximal force capable of being produced during a high-speed movement; trained with either bodyweight or a minimal amount of resistance, allowing the movement to be executed as fast as possible. •Starting Strength. Produce force at the beginning of a movement without momentum or a pre-stretch to load mechanical energy; start moving from a stationary position.
Why Strength Training is a Must for Everyone?
Here are some very important reasons strength training makes a difference in your quality of life:
- Improves your ability to do everyday activities: The stronger your muscles, the easier it is to get groceries out of the car, get a package off of the top cabinet shelf, push the lawnmower…..the list goes on and on!
- Improves your balance and stability: The stronger and more resilient your muscles, the more balance is sturdier. This will help keep you safe in your daily activities and decreases the risk of falls or accidents.
- Builds muscle strength: Adults lose between five and seven pounds of muscle every decade after age 20. Strength training will help prevent this muscle loss, and rebuild what you may have lost.
- Decreases your risk of osteoporosis: Inactivity and aging can lead to a decrease in bone density, leading to brittleness. Studies have shown that consistent strength training can increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
- Reduces blood pressure: Strength training can be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure by strengthening the heart, allowing it to beat more efficiently.
- Increases calorie burn: Strength training increases the body's metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories throughout the day. This aids significantly in long term weight loss.
- Reduces low back pain: Research has shown that strength training can increase low back strength and alleviate low back pain.
miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018
1. Agonist and antagonist act in opposite directions. When agonist produces
an action, antagonist opposes the action.
2. Agonist works when the muscles relax and antagonist works when muscles
3. While agonists stimulate an action, antagonists sit idle, doing nothing.
4. An agonist ties to a receptor site and causes a response whereas an
antagonist works against the drug and blocks the response.
5. Agonists are also chemicals or reactions, which help in binding and also
altering the function of the activity of receptors. On the other hand,
antagonists though help in binding receptors, they do not alter its activity.
6. Agonist has been derived from late Latin word agnista, which means
contender. Antagonist has been derived from Latin antagonista and from Greek
antagonistes, which means “competitor, rival or opponent.”
Why is strength important?
Strength training is an important part of an overall fitness program
You'll increase the percentage of fat in your body if you don't do anything to replace the lean muscle you lose over time. Strength training can help you preserve and enhance your muscle mass at any age.
Strength training may also help you:
- Develop strong bones. By stressing your bones, strength training can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
- Manage your weight. Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories.
- Enhance your quality of life. Strength training may enhance your quality of life and improve your ability to do everyday activities. Building muscle also can contribute to better balance and may reduce your risk of falls. This can help you maintain independence as you age.
- Manage chronic conditions. Strength training can reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes.
- Sharpen your thinking skills. Some research suggests that regular strength training and aerobic exercise may help improve thinking and learning skills for older adults.
How to improve your strength
1. Train specifically for strength.
Sure, strength and hypertrophy training both use the same tools in the gym, and even many of the same movements, but the exercise combinations, arrangements, and variables involved are specific to their activities. To get really strong or really big, you need to respect those differences in order to maximize your gains. If you're not committed to a singular goal in the short term, you'll invariably train for both—and come up short with both.
2. Arrange your workouts around core lifts
No surprises here: The basic powerlifting moves are the bench press, squat, and deadlift. We'll add one more multijoint upper-body exercise, the standing overhead press, to the group to ensure total-body development.
Do these highly demanding multijoint movements early in your workout, when your strength levels are high. These exercises require multiple muscle groups to work in coordination. These moves also trigger your natural release of testosterone and growth hormone, both of which help you maintain and build strength and mass.
3. Increase the weight
Moderate-rep sets are important when training for muscle size, which directly pumps up training volume. However, to build strength, you're going to have to train with heavier weights, meaning you'll do fewer reps. Your first exercise of each training day is your main lift. Always start off with warm-ups, pyramiding up in weight but never coming close to muscle failure.
As for your working weights, choose a weight that falls within 80-90 percent of your one-rep max (1RM), which is a bit heavier than what a bodybuilder might use. That corresponds with a weight you can do for just 4-8 reps. The total number of reps you're going to do for the exercise should fall within the 10-20 range.
4. Plan your assistance exercises
If you approach assistance exercises for a strength-focused workout the way you do a bodybuilding workout, you'll overwhelm your nervous system. Because you're using a higher intensity (load relative to your maximum) with a strength workout, you can't necessarily use a high-volume approach. That means backing off on the volume for your assistance exercises—fewer exercises, fewer sets, fewer total reps.
Ideally, assistance exercises are chosen to strengthen weak points, so your main lifts also improve. For some individuals, that could be the bottom of a lift; for others, it could be the top or locking-out point. Without a strength coach, you need to be aware of your individual weaknesses over the course of your main lifts and know how to attack them.
Sure, strength and hypertrophy training both use the same tools in the gym, and even many of the same movements, but the exercise combinations, arrangements, and variables involved are specific to their activities. To get really strong or really big, you need to respect those differences in order to maximize your gains. If you're not committed to a singular goal in the short term, you'll invariably train for both—and come up short with both.
2. Arrange your workouts around core lifts
No surprises here: The basic powerlifting moves are the bench press, squat, and deadlift. We'll add one more multijoint upper-body exercise, the standing overhead press, to the group to ensure total-body development.
Do these highly demanding multijoint movements early in your workout, when your strength levels are high. These exercises require multiple muscle groups to work in coordination. These moves also trigger your natural release of testosterone and growth hormone, both of which help you maintain and build strength and mass.
3. Increase the weight
Moderate-rep sets are important when training for muscle size, which directly pumps up training volume. However, to build strength, you're going to have to train with heavier weights, meaning you'll do fewer reps. Your first exercise of each training day is your main lift. Always start off with warm-ups, pyramiding up in weight but never coming close to muscle failure.
As for your working weights, choose a weight that falls within 80-90 percent of your one-rep max (1RM), which is a bit heavier than what a bodybuilder might use. That corresponds with a weight you can do for just 4-8 reps. The total number of reps you're going to do for the exercise should fall within the 10-20 range.
4. Plan your assistance exercises
If you approach assistance exercises for a strength-focused workout the way you do a bodybuilding workout, you'll overwhelm your nervous system. Because you're using a higher intensity (load relative to your maximum) with a strength workout, you can't necessarily use a high-volume approach. That means backing off on the volume for your assistance exercises—fewer exercises, fewer sets, fewer total reps.
Ideally, assistance exercises are chosen to strengthen weak points, so your main lifts also improve. For some individuals, that could be the bottom of a lift; for others, it could be the top or locking-out point. Without a strength coach, you need to be aware of your individual weaknesses over the course of your main lifts and know how to attack them.
martes, 17 de abril de 2018
lunes, 16 de abril de 2018
domingo, 15 de abril de 2018
History of Basketball
History: Origin of the Sport
In contrast to other sports, basketball has a clear
origin. It is not the evolution from an ancient game or another sport and the
inventor is well known: Dr. James
Naismith was born in 1861 in Ramsay township, Ontario,
Canada. He graduated as a physician at McGill University in Montreal and was
primarily interested in sports physiology.
In 1891, while working as a physical education teacher
at the YMCA International Training School (today, Springfield College) in the
United States, Naismith was faced with the problem of finding in 14 days an
indoor game to provide "athletic distraction" for the students at the
School for Christian Workers (Naismith was also a Presbyterian minister).
After discarding the idea of adapting outdoor games
like soccer and lacrosse, Naismith recalled the concept of a game of his school
days known as duck-on-a-rock that involved accuracy attempting to knock a
"duck" off the top of a large rock by tossing another rock at it.
Starting from there, Naismith developed a set of
13 rules that gave origin to the game of basketball.
Of course, it was not exactly as we know it today. The
first game was played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets nailed 10-feet
high used as goals, on a court just half the size of a present-day court. The
baskets retained their bottoms, so balls scored into the basket had to be poked
out with a long dowel each time and dribbling (bouncing of the ball up and down
while moving) was not part of the original game.
The sport was an instant success and thanks to the
initial impulse received by the YMCA movement, basketball's popularity quickly
grew nationwide and was introduced in many nations. Although Naismith never saw
the game develop into the spectacular game we know these days, he had the honor
to witness basketball become an Olympic sport at the 1936 Games held
in Berlin.
These are James Naismith original thirteen rules of basketball:
- The ball may be thrown in any direction
with one or both hands.
- The ball may be batted in any direction
with one or both hands, but never with the fist.
- A player cannot run with the ball. The
player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be
made for a man running at good speed.
- The ball must be held in or between the
hands. The arms or body must not be used for holding it.
- No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking
or tripping in any way of an opponent. The first infringement of this rule
by any person shall count as a foul; the second shall disqualify him until
the next goal is made or, if there was evident intent to injure the
person, for the whole of the game. No substitution shall be allowed.
- A foul is striking at the ball with the
fist, violations of Rules 3 and 4 and such as described in Rule 5.
- If either side make three consecutive fouls
it shall count as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the
opponents in the meantime making a foul).
- Goal shall be made when the ball is thrown
or batted from the ground into the basket and stays there, providing those
defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on
the edge and the opponents move the basket, it shall count as a goal.
- When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall
be thrown into the field and played by the first person touching it. In
case of dispute the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The
thrower-in is allowed five seconds. If he holds it longer, it shall go to
the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall
call a foul on them.
- The umpire shall be judge of the men and
shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls
have been made. He shall have the power to disqualify men according to
Rule 5.
- The referee shall be the judge of the ball
and decide when it is in play in bounds, to which side it belongs, and
shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and keep
account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a
- The time shall be two 15-minute halves with
five minutes rest between.
- The side making the most goals in that time
shall be declared the winners.
jueves, 12 de abril de 2018
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018
lunes, 9 de abril de 2018
viernes, 6 de abril de 2018
jueves, 5 de abril de 2018
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2018
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport
considered as such since 1984. Nowadays this competitive sport requires a great
physical complexion on the part of its participants. The initiation postures,
the softness of the exercise, the continuity of the action or the participation
of several muscle areas together with the perfection of the movements are one
of the most valued aspects in any competition. One of the main differences with
regard to artistic gymnastics, is that rhythmic gymnastics is practiced mainly
by the female sex and especially in the way of evaluating.
Basic lizards
All aspects of gymnastics require strength, particularly strength of the upper body, to perform properly the different movements, and most movements simply can not be performed without a sufficient amount of force. One of the simplest and most effective ways to develop upper body strength is by doing traditional push-ups that do not require equipment so they can be performed at any time. Those who are beginners for the lizards can start by doing three groups of five repetitions, perhaps on their knees instead of resting on the toes, and then work to increase the number of lizards and repetitions that are made each week.
Frog position for beginners
The position of the frog works to develop the skills of balance on the hands, stabilize the abdominal muscles, improve balance and helps the gymnasts to work towards being able to stand hands without support. Exercise for beginners requires gymnasts to squat, put their hands on the floor, lean forward, raise their legs and put their knees on their elbows. This position should be maintained for 20 seconds and the gymnast should be strengthened to be able to hold this position for a full minute by adding between three and five seconds each week to improve his strength, balance and power.
Standing hands is one of the most important movements a gymnast will use at all levels of performance and competition. Gymnasts should perform handstand exercises to perfect this movement and make sure that they do it in a solid and strong way at all times. Start by standing on your hands against a wall to feel comfortable with the movement and since you are in position, keep it between 30 and 60 seconds. Increase the difficulty by gradually placing a space between your body and the wall.
Rotate forward and jumps
The forward swing with jump is used to train for more complex turns and acrobatics. To begin, place both hands flat on the floor and crouch with your knees together. While you put your head, push with your legs and use your arms to hold a part of the weight and turn forward. It ends rolling on your back and then on your feet. When you finish, stand up straight with your arms straight to the sides which is the position taken when a movement in gymnastics is completed.
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018
- The teams are composed of twelve players, of which only five can play contemporarily on the court.
- The game time is divided into two 20-minutes halfs.
- The maximum possession period is 30 seconds in which the game slows down a bit.
- The time it takes to exceed the middle of the field is 10 seconds.
- The valuation of the points is uniform.
- A converted free kick is worth 1 point.
- A field shot inside the perimeter is worth 2 points.
- A shot made outside the perimeter is worth 3 points.
- The ball can not be intercepted in its descending phase and as long as the ball has not touched the basket, at the moment when the ball touches the basket, any player can intercept the ball.
- A basket is considered valid after the referee has called.
- A basket and free throw will be validated if, when the player has been hit, he has released the ball and puts it into the basket.
- If the ball does not enter it will be 2 free throws for the player if he has thrown inside the perimeter, if the shot has been outside the perimeter will be 3 free throws for the player.
- After the seventh team foul, the opposing team will start throwing 2 free throws each time the opposing team commits a personal foul.
- If a player is within the area bounded by the area of the free throws an infraction called 3 seconds will be committed.
- If a player retains the ball for more than 5 seconds without bouncing, a violation called retention will be committed.
- If a player is taking off in the background and it takes more than 5 seconds to get the ball, he will be in possession of the opposing team.
- If a player receives the ball and raises both feet off the ground before throwing he commits an infraction called steps.
- If a player receives the ball, he throws it and then throws it again, committing a violation called doubles.
- If a shot is made at the end of the game with the clock close to zero, this will be valid if the ball has left the player's hands before the horn sounded. Otherwise it will be canceled.
- The ball can only be controlled with your hands.
- If a player physically assaults an opponent, it will be committed.
- An unsportsmanlike foul and the attacked team will be entitled to 2 free throws or 2 free throws and possession of the ball depends on the aggression.
- If a player insults replicates or assaults the referee he will have the right to whistle a technique that is sanctioned with the same as the unsportsmanlike faults. It is also possible to call technique to the coach, to the bench for the same reasons as to the players.
- If a player commits 5 fouls he will be eliminated from the game.
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