lunes, 22 de enero de 2024

Acrobatic Volleyball Saves

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, in this video we can see the most incredible saves in volleyball, the shape in which they save the ball of going out is very incredible, they hit the ball without caring any injure with the fence. And is too much difficult only to hit the ball when the other team pulls out, the speed in which the ball comes is amazing, in conclusion the volleyball is too much incredible than I think.
    I hope you like it. Bye

  2. I comment on this video because I find it impressive the saves they make, potentially injuring themselves, going over advertising billboards or getting into the stands with the public or throwing themselves to the ground. Before watching this video, volleyball seemed like a boring sport to watch and play, but seeing that you can make such risky plays, it no longer seems like such a boring sport to watch and play. In conclusion, in Spain volleyball is a sport that is not played much nor seen much, which is why in Spain we see it as a boring sport even though it is not so boring.


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