lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Top 10 Plays of the Year for the 2016 Season!

2 comentarios:

  1. I chose this video because I think that these people who play and do these moves are incredible by the way they pass the ball and not lose control , and that at first seems very easy but it isn´t
    My favorite sport is basketball because when I was little my parents took me to watch the matches of Valladolid and I loved to see and when I came to this school I started to practice until today . I find it amazing how they play these people because what we see is easy mjuy but doing so is a very different thing and perfecting that technique is something that is not made from one day to another and I think those people deserve congratulations

  2. Very good video Lorena, i think it is well because you can know how people play nowadays in the whole world. Furthermore i need to add that for me it is no t very easy and that you could maybe be like them if you try it.
    In this video you can see the best things in the lasts years and they do things that sometimes probably you think are imposible. An example is the shoot of Sergio Yull, who shot a ball the last second of a match from more than the medium line and he scored with the winning of the team.
    As a result i am going to add that good job and congratulation, i have ejoy a lot with your video Lorena.


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