domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021

10 minutes ABS tabata

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I´m Jaime Malanda and I've chosen this video because in my opinion is a short, intense and easy video to train Abs. I think is one of the best workouts to train Abs without any material. And also i choose this video because in the lockdown I've done this workout almost 4-3 days a week to help me to keep the form and also improve it. This video are 10 different exercises separated by a 10 seconds to rest in plank pose. This exercise in my opinion will help you to strengthen the abs and burn some calories.

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  3. Hi, I think that the video that you have chosen it's a good choise because is very good explained, but sometimes the guy says some innecesary things. I think the train is very hard because it don't let us any time to rest without doing nothing, also I think that doing the plank it's not a good way to rest. In conclusion, it's a good exercise because it's fluid and works very good the ABS, also I think that this rutine will combine very good with a stretch and it's a good way to keep fit and train the ABS .


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