lunes, 7 de octubre de 2024


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name is Daniela and I am presenting the history of handball with this video.
    The origin was in Rome , they played “Harpastum” , in which they have to throw the ball with the hands. But the original origin of handball was in Dinamarca in 1898 with Holgger Nielsen. Also, Max Heiser created the modern handball , in Berlin.
    The first mach was in a football court , in Berlin , in which Schelenz makes know the handball in Europe.
    In 1928 it was created the international federation of handball , with the official rules of it and in 1934 , the Olympic committee introduce the handball 11 as a official game.
    It was until 1957 when it was done the first women handball game.
    Spain has won five olimpic medals in handball.
    I hope you like my video and have more information of the history of handball.

  2. Hello, my name is Monica and I have chosen this video because I think it is a good summary of the history of handball. In it, it tells us that in Ancient Greece, it consisted of passes without touching the ground and in Rome it consisted of passing the ball. with the hands, but its official invention was not until 1898 where a sport very similar to the current one created by Holgger Nielsen, also creator of some of the rules, was practiced. Later, in Berlin, a more modern handball would be created and in 1919 they would begin to use soccer fields to play it. Then he tells us about the creation of the Handball Federation in 1928 and in 1934 it would be introduced in the Olympic Games. In conclusion, I think this is a good video to learn about the history of handball in a summarized way.

  3. Hello, my name is Paula. I have choosen this video that you posted, becouse I thing that is very interesting, as it shows us the origins and evolution of this sport, in which it highlights its development over the years and how it has become such a famous discipline worldwide and reached the Olympic Games.
    I was impressed to learn that handball began as a recreational game.
    I like how it explains the different stages of its development, naming the countries that have been fundamental in its development.
    What I found most interesting was the development of the rules and the adaptation of the sport both in its court and beach versions.


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