sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

Handball gameplay




1. Left and right wingman: fast players who excel at ball control and wide jumps from the outside of the goal perimeter in order to get into a better shooting angle at the goal.
2. Left and right backcour: goal attempts by these players are typically made by jumping high and shooting over the defenders.
3.Centre backcourt. A player with experience is preferred on this position who acts as playmaker and the handball equivalent of a basketball point guard.  
4. Pivot: this player tends to intermingle with the defence, setting picks and attempting to disrupt the defence's formation


1.Far left and far right. The opponents of the wingmen.

2. Half left and half right. The opponents of the left and right backcourts.

3. Back center (left and right). Opponent of the pivot.
4. Front center. Opponent of the center backcourt, may also be set against another specific backcourt player.

First wave: are characterised by the absence of defending players around their goal perimeter. The chance of success is very high, as the throwing player is unhindered in his scoring attempt.
Second wave: if the first wave is not successful and some defending players have gained their positions around the zone, the second wave comes into play: the remaining players advance with quick passes to locally outnumber the retreating defenders
Third wave: the time during which the second wave may be successful is very short, as then the defenders closed the gaps around the zone

The usual formations of the defense are 6–0, when all the defense players line up between the 6-metre  and 9-metre lines to form a wall; the 5–1, when one of the players cruises outside the 9-metre perimeter, usually targeting the center forwards while the other 5 line up on the 6-metre  line; and the less common 4–2 when there are two such defenders out front. Very fast teams will also try a 3–3 formation which is close to a switching man-to-man style. The formations vary greatly from country to country, and reflect each country's style of play. 6–0 is sometimes known as "flat defense", and all other formations are usually called "offensive defense"

4 comentarios:

  1. I put this article because I think is interesting to know the different types of positions in this game, Handball. Also if we want to join in a team we have to know the different types of positions that exist to know which one is interesting to us or which could give us better to play in a position that we like. Obviously we have to know how to play in each of the different positions because if it would be difficult for us to understand and practise them.


  2. I think that it is very interesting to know the theory of different positions in handball because it is not as famous as other sports like football or basketball and I only knew part of the practice thanks to the physical education lessons.
    It is important to know all this things for a better and more profesional match, because I always play without thinking in the positions so I go wherever I want, thing that isn’t as effective as it could be knowing all this things.
    I agree with Claudia because I also think that it is great if you want to join to a handball team, it would be very helpfull.

  3. hi, I think this article is very interesting because since this year in the first evaluation of physical education we have had to practice this sport it seems very useful to know more information about it. Reading it I realized that I knew almost nothing about handball, for example I had no idea that the offensive play had three waves or that there were so many types of offense. As Claudia says, to enter a handball team it is necessary to know a lot of things. I also agree with what Alicia says that it would be very fun to enter a team but I think it is very complicated and it would have to be taken very seriously.

  4. Hi, I am Jayro Paredes, a student of Colegio san Grogorio la Compasión and I am going to comment this article because I think its really interesting and alo we have talked about most of this rules the first day that we played this sport. I thing that is really important to know most of this rules bacause if yoy want to play it whith your friend and you don´t know the rules you aren´t going to have fun and it will be boring


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