jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Horror Injuries & Fouls On The USWNT

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name is Ángela and I’m going to comment the video I chose for this assessment. First of all, I chose this video because I think it´s linked to both of the subjects of this term, which are: warm up and football. This is because it’s about injuries on football, so it shows that warming up is a very important thing to do before doing any physical activity.
    What I found interesting of this video is that it’s really impacting to see all the injuries, and how some of the football players keep on playing the match although they’re hurt.

  2. He elegido hacer el comentario sobre este video porque me ha impresionado mucho todos los golpes y caídas eran muy fuertes y dolorosas solo jugando al futbol


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