martes, 30 de enero de 2018


5 comentarios:

  1. I have decided to choose this video, since I think it is very important that before practicing a sport you know what is going on.
    It seems as an easy video to understand, there is a girl of our age ,who tells us vocabulary according to our English level .
    The video gives us to understand that apart from throwing the ball to try to get point is very important teamwork, because I think that volleyball is one of the sports in which you need more coordination with your teammates and a good group work, apart from trying to score, you need to know how to make a chain move with your teammates. And it also teaches you to block, which is as important as attacking, because that way you can block the pass of the other team and put it against them.

  2. This video is a really good choice and I like how the girl in explains the vocabulary of volleyball so clearly that we can all understand it. It is so interesting if we want to play volleyball, because as we have to know how to practice the sport, we also need to know the theory of it, minimum a little bit of basic vocabulary.
    And talking about the practice, I agree with Carmen; this is a sport in which the teamwork is the most important part. If the team doesn’t communicate and work together, it won’t success; as I realized when we played the sport in class.

  3. Hello, I am Jayro Paredes Ruiz, an student from Colegio san Gregorio la Compasion and i think that this video is really good because it explains us how to hit the ball, with is the most important thing in this sport. Its also a really good video because its a girl more or less of our age and she explains all of the things really good. I am agree with Alicia, this is an sport in which teamwork is too important because if you are alone you can play it. Its also a good sport to play with your friends because you don´t need lots of things and the rules are really easy.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Hi, I’m am Manuel and I'm going to give my opinion of this video
    As you can see at first, we can see a good point of two teams and they make big efforts to do the point.
    In this video the girl explains how to do important movements to play well volley.
    Also, then the girl explains differents movants of shooting that as Jayro said is one of the most important thing to play volley because if you don't know how to throw you are not going to pass the ball and you are going to lose
    That is All, Bye
    Manuel Saiz


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