miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

How to improve your endurance by interval training

1.       Begin your workout. Warm up by walking or slowly jogging for five minutes. This should wake up your muscles and help stretch out your legs to prepare for the interval training. Interval training teaches your body to use oxygen more efficiently, improving both your running speed and your overall endurance.

2.       Run at a moderate pace for fifteen minutes. Run at a pace that isn’t too difficult but keeps your heartrate up. Aim for 70-80% of your fastest running speed.

3.       Begin the interval training. This is the part of the exercise that improves your endurance and builds muscle. Run for one minute at your maximum speed, working hard to bring up your heart rate and exhaust your muscles. Then walk for two minutes, letting your muscles cool down.

4.       Repeat this process four times. This should come out to about twelve minutes of exercise. It doesn’t seem like a long time, but by the end of the twelve minutes, you should be utterly exhausted. If not, you weren’t pushing yourself hard enough during the minutes of running.

5.       Cool down. Walk for another five minutes, keeping your pace brisk enough to work out your muscles but slow enough to lower your heartrate. By this point, you should be surprisingly exhausted for such a short workout. If not, you need to raise your heartrate more during the interval training.

6.       Push yourself. Try to do interval training at least once a week. However, make sure you don't do this exercise more than twice in a ten day period or you may hurt yourself. After a few weeks of interval training, make the exercise harder for yourself by shortening the cooldown time during the interval training to one minute instead of two.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi, I´m beatriz and i have decided to put this post because I think all of us want to improve our endurance, for example to do the Copper text, which we sould have a lot of endurance to resist as more as we can.
    One of the most important tihgs for improve is the last one, number six, to push ourself to do sport, always in a moderate way, but if yo do it correctly you are going yo improve, but if you do only sometimes you are going to waste your time.


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