viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019


1 comentario:

  1. Hello,I´m Sofía.

    I'm want to show you a video of volleyball.
    I choose this sport because I think is a beautiful sport to see and play.
    In my opinión volleyball is a sport we don´t see usually but a nice and intensitive sport.
    Is a sport that you have dedicate many time.
    Some of the most popular persons that practice this sport are:
    -Jose Luis Molto Carbonell
    -Susana Rodríguez
    -Rafael Pascual
    -Diana Sanchéz
    I think is a very complet sport in which you need good physical fitness and in which you need to do very fast movement and you finish very tired.
    I like this sport but I don´t practice it.


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