domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018

How to do a speed dribble and basketball moves

3 comentarios:

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  2. Hi, i'm Desiree. I chose this video because it seemed quite appropriate to explain basketball. Explains very well the different movements of basketball and partly combines with the speed, which is what we have been seeing during this evaluation.
    It also explains very well the moves you have to do with the ball to make a shot and a proper basketball passes, which is what it is and also the ways to practice.
    I hope you liked this video and I have helped you to make some correct movements and learn more about basketball. Good bye!

  3. Hi, Desiree!
    Your video is very impresicindible and complete, this is the minimun that has to known a basketall player, I also put a similar video because I think that is important.
    You only have concreted in one move that is essential in this sport, my video talk about 5 movements.
    The only inconvenient is that the video is a little short, I think, but the rest is very well.
    My opinion of your post is that is complete, important and imprescindible in this sport, I like so much, you did very good Desiree.


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