lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

Benefits of anaerobic resistance

  • Improves the lipid profile in the blood.
  • Important impact on the endocrine system. It stimulates the secretion of three hormones that increase protein synthesis and have an anabolic effect. Growth hormone (GH), testosterone, and insulin growth factor (IGF1).
  • Unlike aerobic exercise, anaerobic practice greatly enhances muscle growth. 
  • It will improve your body composition. The percentage of body fat will be reduced and that of muscle, will be increased.
  • Muscle gains will accelerate your metabolism, increasing your Basal Metabolic Rate. It's great news for body weight control and maintenance.
  • It will improve your insulin tolerance. It will therefore reduce one of the most important risk factors in the onset of diseases such as obesity, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
  • Other qualities of fitness will thrive in parallel: strength, power, speed,..
  • Your bones, tendons, ligaments, that is, the musculoskeletal system, will be strengthened. This improvement will result in a decrease in the risk of injury.

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  3. Hi, I´m Lucía and I chose this article because I think it provides very important information, because having practiced resistance during this quarter I found it interesting to know what health benefits it brings.
    Reading it, I have seen that doing anaerobic and aerobbic resistance exercises has different positive health effects and I have seen how regular endurance sports practice, whether aerobic or anaerobic, has numerous positive health effects.
    Among these benefits is the increase of lipid profile in the blood, improve lung capacity which is a very positive effect to avoid future respiratory problems, good effects to the heart to prevent future problems and good effects to the endocrine system as it favors growth hormone or the insulin growth factor (IGF1) among others.

  4. I liked this article as it teaches us a little more than what we have learned in class. As we know anaerobic resistance is the ability to perform activities without fatigue or greater difficulty, however, this has a number of important benefits such as improving the lipid in the blood, increases the secretion of hormones that increase protein synthesis. And not only this, it also improves the composition of your body since the fat decreases and the more muscular increases. On the other hand, it increases the metabolism, thus increasing the basal metabolic rate. What helps keep body weight stable thus reducing diseases such as obesity type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome
    In short, we can say that anaerobic endurance provides remarkable benefits for our health and fitness as well as being a fairly simple and useful sports activity.


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