domingo, 12 de enero de 2020

The history of basketball

2 comentarios:

  1. Is very interesting that one of the most important sports of the world started in one school and the match ended one-cero, sowing how good or bad were he´s students at playing basketball.
    The video also shows how basketball evolved through time like everything.
    Obviously the video doesn't cover every part of the history of basketball, there have pass a lot of time since 1891 making impossible to talk about everything in 5 minits, the video being only a quick recap.(82)
    Also the importance that it has now it is incredible compared to how basketball started, and it will keep changing.

  2. Hi Adriana:
    The history of basketball is very interesting, I did not know that this type of sport was created by a teacher, so the students had something to do during the winter with the cold, although they finished with one - cero, it was not bad for beginners. Previously I always wondered where it came from and why it is such a popular game, I may have answered the doubts with your video.I also didn't know that basketball started with nine players and decreased from seven players to five players that we have today


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