martes, 28 de marzo de 2017


1 comentario:

  1. Hello good, I am Samuel Merino of the school San Gregorio la Compasion. In this evaluation we have given the subject of strength and we have been practicing also basketball. As in all evaluations we have to post a video on the blog of the E.F. About what we have been giving, and I have decided to put him in basketball, specifically mates because it is something that you like to see in a game and it is awesome to see players jump and hang from the basket. In the league of the NBA is where you can best appreciate these wonders that perform players, that's why there is a contest called All Star in which the best players of the NBA in which they play mates, contest of triples .. .
    I hope you liked this video and enjoy watching it, whether you like basketball or not.
    Thank you very much, a hug


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