viernes, 7 de abril de 2017


3 comentarios:

  1. Good morning! I am Lucía Guerra from 4º A Secondary School. And with this post I want you to show different ways to improve your speed.
    As we all know speed is the basic physical capacity that allows us to do physical activity in the mínimum time. I want to show you the different activities to improve your speed by increasing your acceleration capacities, your máximum speed and speed endurance which means keeping as much as possible your at your maximum capacities.
    At class we use some similar activities with the aim of increase our speed capicity, which it will be helpfull to pass our speed test.
    This is all! I hope this post will be usefull to all of you.
    See you!

  2. Good morning! I am Alba, one of Lucia’s mate. And I would love to complement this post with my comment.
    As Lucía said on her own post, speed allows us to do physical activities in the mínimum time. This is why is very visible in daily lifes. Speed is not only applicable to sports. We can find its presence in most of our daily actions.
    When an orange falls down in the morning. How much time takes you grapping it?
    Moreover, there are more tipes of this capacity. But at least, there is one which we have been training since we were children. Mental speed. It measures the time you last to react to a verbal situation or movement.
    Appart fron this, there are reaction speed, gesture speed, acceleration, movement speed…
    Ok, this is all, I hope this makes you be aware of all sorts of application speed have in our lives.
    See you!

  3. Hi all, I’m Enrique and this is my comment in the video of Lucia.
    I choose this video because I think is very interesting to improve our speed by different methods.
    In the video, we can see that the players are improving its speed by different exercise moving very fast their legs while there are running, also they are improving its speed with free weights and jumping with it also they take many weight without jumping also for improve its strength and in consequence, to improve their speed. They also use the free weights to walk with them without flexing its arms. Finally, they use an elastic band to push their legs in a machine.
    For my opinion, I think there are many different exercises to improve speed and we need to choose the one that we like the most.
    This is all my comment about the video of Lucia, I hope you like it and understand, bye bye!


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