jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2020



2 comentarios:

  1. I have choosen this video because the girl does a great job explaining each exercise and the place where she records is really cozy and neat, she also encourages allong the video to keep on going. Before each exercise she explains it how to do it and I think that´s really important so then when the exercise comes you don´t have to waste time looking how it´s done and loose that time bevause each one has a time to do it and in between some of them there is a short break. This workout will really improve your strenght because all the exercises she does are for that in specific.

  2. The first thing I like of the video is that she explains what she is going to do and what you are going to need to do it. A thing I don’t like is that you need weight for some exercises, and not everyone has it at home. I also highlight she says the times of each exercise and of the relax time and how many repetitions of each one. Is good that she remember to the viewers some tips to do better the exercise and we can hear and see every time to inspire and expire air to do it at the same rhythm of the activity.


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