lunes, 23 de enero de 2023

Fantastic points in volleyball!!


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Carlos and I loved this video because it shows the best volleyball plays that have taken place in 2022. In general, this sport can be boring if you don't play it well, with fouls, catching it badly or if you don't show interest, but it can be a very fun sport if you get serious. I recommend it to everyone who wants to get into this sport and also to people who like to watch this little-known sport. Greetings and until next time.

  2. Commented by Lucas Ramón Ortega:
    In this video we can see two teams formed by girls playing volleyball. They play very well, and she block very well. We can see the amazing points scored by professional players who play in a professional league or a international championship. The way of serving I think is different, in a way she does the movement different, its so amazing. This sport is beautiful to see because the ball is often on the air, and the passes that they do, they are so beautiful to see. Its so magic to see how they save the ball when is almost on the floor.


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