martes, 14 de mayo de 2024

Las Mejores Jugadas del Fútbol 2024


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello I am Lucia and I have chosen this video because it represents very well many impressive plays of this 2024 even though I am not very passionate about playing soccer, watching it if I find it quite interesting and especially a mixture of all the teams that are there, both as first teams and second teams, I think you have to see all kinds of plays to learn about them, it is impressive how good they are several teams that come out and all the good strategy they have. I recommend watching this video to learn a little more about the plays.

  2. I like a lot this video because00 shows us very well the best plays of this year 2024, I find it incredible the speed and speed at which they go with the ball without losing control, also how they make the passes and how they score goals. I find it very interesting because if you are a person who likes soccer, you will like this video since it shows very well the different techniques, plays, and passes that can be made in football. In conclusion I recommend that people watch this video since it is very interesting and entertaining and shows very well how football is played and what a great sport it is.

  3. I really like this video of my classmate because it shows the best football plays in 2024, incredible, wonderful, fantastic plays from the best teams in the world and of course from the best footballers in the world.
    It is a video that lasts 8 minutes, but it seems that it lasts half because as I mentioned before, it is a very interesting video.
    It is incredible how human beings can make plays, goals, assists that seem programmed, made by a robot.
    Of course we must mention the incredible narration of the announcers, it is something very important that few people know how to value since it depends on how someone narrates something, it becomes more or less interesting.
    I hope you love this video as much as I loved it.


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