viernes, 10 de mayo de 2024

Understanding the Rules of Football


2 comentarios:

  1. I choose this video, because know what the different rules of football are very good, for people that don’t know how to play this sport, but also for people that know how to play, because is very important respect the rules of a game. In this video we can see, what are the different positions in the match, the different offsides and which one from where it should be taken the ball. Also, the video explains the situation of penalty. The video also explains the importance of the referee when it comes to complying with the rules of the game.

  2. I like this video because it explains us the different rules of football in a very easy way. Also, I learned a lot of new things watching this video like what happens when we got extra time, and the teams still have the same score and other stuff I didn’t knew. Is important to know the different rules but also understand them. In conclusion, I think this video make us understand important rules by explaining it in the most easiest way possible and in a very short period of time. It is very important to respect the rules of the sports we play and for that we need to understand them.


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