miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Estiramientos en baloncesto

1 comentario:

  1. I choose that video because for me, it´s the best one of all the others. I think that in this video the man explain good the exercicies that you have to do before you going to start playing basketball. They show too, some strectching exercises to warn the body well. If you don´t do this, the mayoritty people have problems on the muscles, in the bones, sometings you can do a sprain, some breacks or fissures. You can do this exercices for other sports, like football, handball... First, start stretching and then, you can do some entries for all positions, when you finish this, shoot to the basket.
    This are the most important things that you have to realice. 118
    I hope you like it, and take note of this appointments to do ir before you have going yo play a match.


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