lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018



Rhythmic Gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport considered as such since 1984. Nowadays this competitive sport requires a great physical complexion on the part of its participants. The initiation postures, the softness of the exercise, the continuity of the action or the participation of several muscle areas together with the perfection of the movements are one of the most valued aspects in any competition. One of the main differences with regard to artistic gymnastics, is that rhythmic gymnastics is practiced mainly by the female sex and especially in the way of evaluating.



Basic lizards
All aspects of gymnastics require strength, particularly strength of the upper body, to perform properly the different movements, and most movements simply can not be performed without a sufficient amount of force. One of the simplest and most effective ways to develop upper body strength is by doing traditional push-ups that do not require equipment so they can be performed at any time. Those who are beginners for the lizards can start by doing three groups of five repetitions, perhaps on their knees instead of resting on the toes, and then work to increase the number of lizards and repetitions that are made each week.

Frog position for beginners
The position of the frog works to develop the skills of balance on the hands, stabilize the abdominal muscles, improve balance and helps the gymnasts to work towards being able to stand hands without support. Exercise for beginners requires gymnasts to squat, put their hands on the floor, lean forward, raise their legs and put their knees on their elbows. This position should be maintained for 20 seconds and the gymnast should be strengthened to be able to hold this position for a full minute by adding between three and five seconds each week to improve his strength, balance and power.

Standing hands is one of the most important movements a gymnast will use at all levels of performance and competition. Gymnasts should perform handstand exercises to perfect this movement and make sure that they do it in a solid and strong way at all times. Start by standing on your hands against a wall to feel comfortable with the movement and since you are in position, keep it between 30 and 60 seconds. Increase the difficulty by gradually placing a space between your body and the wall.

Rotate forward and jumps
The forward swing with jump is used to train for more complex turns and acrobatics. To begin, place both hands flat on the floor and crouch with your knees together. While you put your head, push with your legs and use your arms to hold a part of the weight and turn forward. It ends rolling on your back and then on your feet. When you finish, stand up straight with your arms straight to the sides which is the position taken when a movement in gymnastics is completed.

Cartwheel Variations

Gymnastics skills

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018



  1. The teams are composed of twelve players, of which only five can play contemporarily on the court.
  2. The game time is divided into two 20-minutes halfs.
  3. The maximum possession period is 30 seconds in which the game slows down a bit.
  4. The time it takes to exceed the middle of the field is 10 seconds.
  5. The valuation of the points is uniform.
  6. A converted free kick is worth 1 point.
  7. A field shot inside the perimeter is worth 2 points.
  8. A shot made outside the perimeter is worth 3 points.
  9. The ball can not be intercepted in its descending phase and as long as the ball has not touched the basket, at the moment when the ball touches the basket, any player can intercept the ball.
  10. A basket is considered valid after the referee has called.
  11. A basket and free throw will be validated if, when the player has been hit, he has released the ball and puts it into the basket.
  12. If the ball does not enter it will be 2 free throws for the player if he has thrown inside the perimeter, if the shot has been outside the perimeter will be 3 free throws for the player.
  13. After the seventh team foul, the opposing team will start throwing 2 free throws each time the opposing team commits a personal foul.
  14. If a player is within the area bounded by the area of the free throws an infraction called 3 seconds will be committed.
  15. If a player retains the ball for more than 5 seconds without bouncing, a violation called retention will be committed.
  16. If a player is taking off in the background and it takes more than 5 seconds to get the ball, he will be in possession of the opposing team.
  17. If a player receives the ball and raises both feet off the ground before throwing he commits an infraction called steps.
  18. If a player receives the ball, he throws it and then throws it again, committing a violation called doubles.
  19. If a shot is made at the end of the game with the clock close to zero, this will be valid if the ball has left the player's hands before the horn sounded. Otherwise it will be canceled.
  20. The ball can only be controlled with your hands.
  21. If a player physically assaults an opponent, it will be committed.
  22. An unsportsmanlike foul and the attacked team will be entitled to 2 free throws or 2 free throws and possession of the ball depends on the aggression.
  23. If a player insults replicates or assaults the referee he will have the right to whistle a technique that is sanctioned with the same as the unsportsmanlike faults. It is also possible to call technique to the coach, to the bench for the same reasons as to the players.
  24. If a player commits 5 fouls he will be eliminated from the game.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Caroline Fryklund Gymnastic Skills

Almudena Cid

Movements of parkour

High Bar (Gymnastics Skils)

How to do pommel horse



Start with gymnastics skills

The 13 rules of basketball

Acrobacias (Circo Del Sol)

Rare skills

How to add Gymnastic Skills to your Strength workout

Gymsnastics Skills at home

Gymnastic Monsters!


El baloncesto, basquetbol o básquetbol en ingles basketball; de basket, canasta y ball pelota o simplemente básquet es un deporte de equipo  jugado entre dos conjuntos de cinco jugadores cada uno durante cuatro períodos o cuartos de diez o doce minutos cada uno. El objetivo del equipo es anotar puntos introduciendo un balón por la canasta un aro a 3,05 metros sobre la superficie de la pista de juego del que cuelga una red. La puntuación por cada canasta o cesta es de dos o tres puntos, dependiendo de la posición desde la que se efectúa el tiro a canasta, o de uno, si se trata de un tiro libre por una falta de un jugador contrario. El equipo ganador es el que obtiene el mayor número de puntos. El contacto con la pelota se realiza con las manos. Los jugadores, también llamados baloncestistas, no pueden trasladarse sujetando la pelota, sino botándola contra el suelo. El equipo en posesión del balón o atacante, intenta anotar puntos mediante tiros, entradas a canasta o mates  mientras que el equipo defensor busca impedirlo robando la pelota o efectuando tapones Cuando un tiro hacia la canasta fracasa, los jugadores de ambos equipos intentan atrapar el rebote. El baloncesto es uno de los deportes más practicados del mundo, con más de 450 millones de jugadores en 2013. Se juegan numerosas ligas y campeonatos en el mundo entero, sobre todo en Europa y más recientemente en Asia, donde el deporte ha despuntado en el siglo XXI. Las mujeres representan una buena parte de los practicantes, a pesar de una exposición menor en los medios del baloncesto femenino El baloncesto es uno de los deportes más practicados del mundo, con más de 450 millones de jugadores en 2013. Se juegan numerosas ligas y campeonatos en el mundo entero, sobre todo en Europa y más recientemente en Asia, donde el deporte ha despuntado en el siglo XXI. Las mujeres representan una buena parte de los practicantes, a pesar de una exposición. también el baloncesto en sillas de ruedas para deportistas discapacitados, el streetbasket y el baloncesto 3x3. Existe una cultura específica surgida a partir del deporte que se expresa en la música, la literatura, el cine y los videojuegos.

The key to Simone Biles' dominance could be her brain

Gymnastic skills

The Hardest Skills in Women's Gymnastic

Acrobacia Con Telas- Plano Secuencia from Michael Osorio C on Vimeo.


Most difficult skills at gymnastics

Basic gymnastic skills