lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018


2 comentarios:

  1. I have choosen this video because I am very keen on parkour and this video explains how to do some parkour movements that are easy for begginers like me and also can help more people.
    I also like that the man after the explanation do the movement and you can understand it better because it is more visual.
    Although, I would prefer if in the video he did the skills in more places to see other situations in which you can also use this movements properly.

    I hope it help you and I encourage you to try it,
    Kind regards.

  2. Hi Pablo: I love the video you've chosen because parkour is a sport with a high degree of difficulty. One thing I like is that it tells you to do at every moment of the trick that is going to be done. I find some tricks that are simple and that anyone can do. Another thing I agree with you is that it changes the stage every little time and that makes it a much more interesting video. Another thing I love is that every time you make a truca tells you how not to hurt


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