viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019

Basic Rules Of Basketball

2 comentarios:

  1. I have choosen this video because if you play a game, it is important to know the rules, because if you don´t know them you are not going to play well and maybe you Will get expelled from the game. This video is very visual, and is easy to understand and to follow. It explains the basic rules of basketball, like, how much does the points count, what happens if you do a foul, how many parts there are, and how much time they have. It also explains of what it consists and what is the objetive of this game, which is to throw the ball into the basket and get as many points as posible to win the other team

  2. Hi Maria:
    I have seen this video and I found it very interesting that you have chosen it on the rules of basketball that are basic to be able to play, I have found it curious that I talked about the dimensions of the field because that more than a rule, it is a basic feature that has that having the field, has also made me talk about how to count the points, also talks about fouls and free throws, in short, this video has seemed very interesting and that can help you when you want to start playing, to know a little about this sport.


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