viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

The best inline skater in the world

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that the girl did an amazing job, as an inline skater myself, I know how difficult it is to do any of the tricks
    she did with her feet and how easy it is to slip, when doing something as easy as skating on one foot.

    1. Hello everyone, my name is Natalia. I brought you this video because it's really beautiful, awesome and inspiring to see all the bulls you give and the ease you have to make all those moves. I'd like to know how many hours he's been training that choreography. This little boy makes it seem very easy but I assure you that it is not easy at all, it takes skill, practice and a lot of willpower. And if we also add to those beautiful movements such a famous song makes you look in love. Well, I hope you like it as much as I do.


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