viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

worst falls in figure skating

3 comentarios:

  1. this video shows some of the worst couple figure skating falls, couples that were skating in a synchronised an orderly fashion and end up falling head over heels. it also shows that independently of how well you skate, there always is an unlucky day in your life in wich everything ends up going topsy-turvy in a cloud of ice and sludge.

    here youll see also how to correctly cover up your fall and continue skating as if nothing had ever happened, or better as if it had been an intentionall stunt.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I have chosen to comment on this video because I find ice skating interesting and it is a very nice sport visulmente. I also found it very funny to see how the people in the video fell and then got up as if nothing had happened, and it also shows you the video that even the most qualified can fail.

    It is also a very dedicated and hard sport. Many hours of training and every minimum failure you have much left in the competition, a stumble can be the last place.

    Deep down I feel sorry because they have been training for many years for that competition they go and they fall in the competition and they are in last place.


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