viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Gymnastic Skills

2 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because I find it very interesting as the girl in the video explains the different movements that you have to do when you want to do: the wheel, the bridge the pine ...I have learned to do some gymnastic movements without harming myself and correctly. The movement that I liked the most is the wheel with a one arm.I have also realized that to make these movements you have to have a lot of strength, confidence in yourself and a lot of elasticity.The girl explained it very well and the video is very well edited.

  2. Hi, I'm Zulei, student of San Gregorio School of Aguilar de Campoo.
    In this video you can see how to do different basic rhythmic gymnastics exercises such as the bridge, the cartwheel, etc.
    Apart from showing how it is, it also teaches us how to perform them without injuring ourselves and perfecting each of the movements and tricks to improve. For example, in the forw roll, it tells us that we must roll with the back and not with the head or in the cartwheel we must stretch the legs so that it looks much better ...
    And this tutorial is pretty good (especially for the gymnastic skills exams that we are going to perform).


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