viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

How to do a Backbend

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello my name is Andrea and today I am going to talk you about the video that I have chosen, this talks about how to make the backbend and the most important stretching that you have to well so not to hurt you when you are going to do it.
    This video has helped me a lot, because I am not very good at doing gymnastics and this video explains everything very well.
    I think it's very important to follow the steps that someone who knows tell you because this helps you to do better and it helps you to be able to do it without any problem

  2. Hi, my name is Adriana, and I decided to comment this post because the girl explains than good and clear on how to do the backbend that anyone, in my opinion, with lot of practising and effort could do it.
    Firstly she started her warm up with some yoga, which surprise me quite a little because I think that is not very usual, and then with some leg and back stretching. After a while of doing different stretching exercises, she helped her self firstly, with a wall, later with sofa and also with someone’s aid.


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