viernes, 27 de enero de 2023

Exercises to gain flexibility


4 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because it seems important to me to have flexibility since it could cause problems when we are older, such as problems in the back or in all the muscles, and in the ligaments, that's why I choose this video. It is a ten-minute routine that we can do every day without effort. The first day it will cost you since you have little flexibility but after 2 weeks of doing this routine you will notice changes for the better, in this routine he explains the exercises in detail so you can keep up, I also find it interesting because you can do it at the same time that the girl

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. En este video explica unos estiramientos que nos ayudan a ganar flexibilidad y tambien son importantes despues del entrenamiento, sabemos que antes y despues de entrenar es muy estirar. Empieza con estiramientos en las partes del cuerpo, con esta rutina se evitan lesiones a corto y medio plazo y porsupuesto a largo plazo. Esta rutina seria buena hacerla todos los dias y con ella se mejoraria nuestra flexibilidad. Es bueno este video por que te enseña a saber estirar para que luego de mayor tengas los musculos mejor.

  4. In this video, we can see how to improve our flexibility with different exercises. I think this is a good video to see because is very complete, but I also think that is not for all people, some persons can’t do these exercises because they flexibility can’t allow them to do it, if you are not good at flexibility you can’t reach to parts of your body, you just can’t because it hurts. The video is good and the exercises I think are good too, but I just want to get to know that there exist people that can’t reach because it hurts them.


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