domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

Volleyball highlights


5 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video since I am not very good at playing volleyball and so when I have seen it has helped me to know what mistakes I make when playing, also because they are professionals because they do it too well and I do not think I have their level ever mainly because I never I have been interested in volleyball and also because the little I have played in these sessions I have already realized that it is not my strong point, I hope that this video has also served you to see what mistakes we make when playing.

  2. Hi, I'm Carlos and I loved this video because it's very entertaining to see these best moments, both making incredible points and stratospheric saves. In general, this sport can be boring if you don't play it well, with fouls, bad catching or if you don't show interest, but it can be a very fun sport if you get serious. I recommend it to everyone who wants to get into this sport and also to people who like to watch this little-known sport. Greetings and until next time.

  3. Hola, soy Claudia, me encantó este video porque es muy entretenidode ver. Este deporte puede ser aburrido si no lo juegas, si no muestras interés, pero puede ser un deporte muy divertido si te pones serio o si estas con amigos.

  4. Hello, I'm Naroa, I have chosen this video of David because I found it interesting, as David says, this video helps you to see some mistakes that you make while playing, the truth is that I have enough since I never, well, only this time I played this sport I think it's too good because on top of that they are professional players and learning from them is pretty good.

  5. Hello I am Gabriel I am going to comment this video about the best volleyball matches, this type of videos could be very interesting, informative and helpful,(or also entertaining) for people who is new in this sport, like if they are seeing with attention how the professional player play maybe they could improve their skills at this sport, like passings, and then take them into the practice, I hope that if you are reading this you should take them into the practice if you want to go in for the sport.


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