lunes, 23 de enero de 2023


3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Naiala López and I'm going to make my text comment.
    My opinion about this video is that they are easy and complete exercises, you can do them individually and that is a good point because you can practice in order to improve without anyone's help, although in my opinion it is better to play a game. I like them because we have done some of them similar in physical education classes, it seems like an entertaining sport in which you have to be quick, I had never played volleyball so I like it and I will play it.

  2. Hi, I'm Carla Fresno. My opinion about this video is that it is a very little famous sport and I found it curious because I personally found it entertaining.
    This video explains very well how to perform each exercise to be able to do it yourself.
    In physical education classes we have practiced a lot some of these exercises since they are basic exercises to start learning.

  3. Hi, I'm Noemí Zurita Ángel. I am going to comment on the video of Naiala Lopez. It seems to me a very good video to practice on your own since it is individual and you can do it at any time by yourself. There are a few exercises that we have done in class. I like this sport a lot and I would like to practice it as an extracurricular activity, I have sometimes played in summer but not "seriously" as in classes. I think it's a sport that doesn't get very tiring but needs to be practiced and for that you could use an exercise from this video


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