viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023

NBA unluckiest moments


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, my name is Diego and I have chosen this video because I find the reactions of the players of the NBA and the audience funny but, if that happened to me, I think I would get really mad. It also shows different matches of the NBA, it doesn't focus just on one. I think my favourite one is in which the player with the number 21 takes the ball out of his rivals and there are just a few seconds left so he throws the ball to the basket and almost scores, I think that if he had scored the ball it would be a really good point.

  2. Hola Diego, me ha gustado mucho tu video porque me parecen momentos en los que me gustan como reaccionan los jugadores, aunque me parece tener muy buena suerte y ellos se lo toman bien, y yo no me lo tomaría asi. Me han gustado mucho todas las jugadas creo que no podría elegir una que me guste, aunque si hay algunas que me gustan mas que otras. Me ha parecido un video muy interesante.


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