martes, 20 de febrero de 2018
lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018
Soccer pass
I think that this is a really good video because one of the most important things in Soccer is the pass of the ball.
To do cooperative techniques with the rest of the team you have to pass and control the ball very well.
In this video they show us some tricks to control the ball correctly and other passes from the profesional players.
You have to practice so much and control the ball with much precission.
There are many types of pass and training activities to do for get better at the passes.
This is all about soccer techniques.I hope you liked my task of P.E.
domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018
sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018
viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018
El baloncesto, basquetbol o básquetbol en ingles basketball; de basket, canasta y ball pelota o simplemente básquet es un deporte de equipo jugado entre dos conjuntos de cinco jugadores cada uno durante cuatro períodos o cuartos de diez o doce minutos cada uno. El objetivo del equipo es anotar puntos introduciendo un balón por la canasta un aro a 3,05 metros sobre la superficie de la pista de juego del que cuelga una red. La puntuación por cada canasta o cesta es de dos o tres puntos, dependiendo de la posición desde la que se efectúa el tiro a canasta, o de uno, si se trata de un tiro libre por una falta de un jugador contrario. El equipo ganador es el que obtiene el mayor número de puntos.El contacto con la pelota se realiza con las manos. Los jugadores, también llamados baloncestistas, no pueden trasladarse sujetando la pelota, sino botándola contra el suelo. El equipo en posesión del balón o atacante, intenta anotar puntos mediante tiros, entradas a canasta o mates mientras que el equipo defensor busca impedirlo robando la pelota o efectuando tapones Cuando un tiro hacia la canasta fracasa, los jugadores de ambos equipos intentan atrapar el rebote. El baloncesto es uno de los deportes más practicados del mundo, con más de 450 millones de jugadores en 2013. Se juegan numerosas ligas y campeonatos en el mundo entero, sobre todo en Europa y más recientemente en Asia, donde el deporte ha despuntado en el siglo XXI. Las mujeres representan una buena parte de los practicantes, a pesar de una exposición menor en los medios del baloncesto femenino El baloncesto es uno de los deportes más practicados del mundo, con más de 450 millones de jugadores en 2013. Se juegan numerosas ligas y campeonatos en el mundo entero, sobre todo en Europa y más recientemente en Asia, donde el deporte ha despuntado en el siglo XXI. Las mujeres representan una buena parte de los practicantes, a pesar de una exposición. también el baloncesto en sillas de ruedas para deportistas discapacitados, el streetbasket y el baloncesto 3x3. Existe una cultura específica surgida a partir del deporte que se expresa en la música, la literatura, el cine y los videojuegos.
Flexibility is the ability of the muscle
to perform the greatest possible joint travel without being damaged. The
magnitude of the stretch is given by the maximum range of movements of all the
muscles that make up a joint. Since the muscles that go through growth in size
but not in length, when a muscle grows through its muscular hypertrophy the
muscle group on the opposite side (the antagonist) has to stretch out, and
absolute flexibility is the term to describe a muscle length, in itself, where
relative flexibility is the flexibility of a set, compared to its movement
jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018
miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018
martes, 13 de febrero de 2018
lunes, 12 de febrero de 2018
lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018
jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018
How to increase endurance
Step 1
Calculate your heart rate. According to the University of Arkansas, your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.
Step 2
Play a sport or engage in an exercise activity that you enjoy. For example, it could be a team sport such as soccer, a head-to-head sport like tennis or a solo pursuit such as swimming. Build up to more strenuous exercises as your endurance improves.
Step 3
Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. If you're a beginner, break the 30 minutes into 10-minute chunks. Ensure each session contains sustained exercise that increases your heart and breathing rate. Build exercise into your daily routine so that it becomes a habit.
Step 4
Mix your routine up. For example, alternate your three chosen activities every two days. In the days in between, try jogging, swimming or gym sessions. A broader range of exercise works more of your body's muscles. Don't feel you have to do high-intensity activities every day; a brisk walk is fine every few days.
Step 5
Test your heart rate after a month of daily exercise. Measure just after or during a session. Note any improvements.
Step 6
Increase the intensity and duration of your sessions if your heart rate has improved. This is a sign that your stamina and endurance are increasing. For example, try swapping a low-intensity workout for a high-intensity one. This will keep your stamina and endurance building over time.
Calculate your heart rate. According to the University of Arkansas, your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.
Step 2
Play a sport or engage in an exercise activity that you enjoy. For example, it could be a team sport such as soccer, a head-to-head sport like tennis or a solo pursuit such as swimming. Build up to more strenuous exercises as your endurance improves.
Step 3
Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. If you're a beginner, break the 30 minutes into 10-minute chunks. Ensure each session contains sustained exercise that increases your heart and breathing rate. Build exercise into your daily routine so that it becomes a habit.
Step 4
Mix your routine up. For example, alternate your three chosen activities every two days. In the days in between, try jogging, swimming or gym sessions. A broader range of exercise works more of your body's muscles. Don't feel you have to do high-intensity activities every day; a brisk walk is fine every few days.
Step 5
Test your heart rate after a month of daily exercise. Measure just after or during a session. Note any improvements.
Step 6
Increase the intensity and duration of your sessions if your heart rate has improved. This is a sign that your stamina and endurance are increasing. For example, try swapping a low-intensity workout for a high-intensity one. This will keep your stamina and endurance building over time.
History of volleyball
William G. Morgan
(1870-1942), who was born in the State of New York, has gone down in history as
the inventor of the game of volleyball, to which he originally gave the name
The young Morgan carried out his undergraduate studies at the Springfield College of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) where he met James Naismith who, in 1891, had invented basketball. After graduating, Morgan spent his first year at the Auburn (Maine) YMCA after which, during the summer of 1895, he moved to the YMCA at Holyoke (Massachusetts) where he became director of physical education. In this role he had the opportunity to establish, develop and direct a vast programme of exercises and sport classes for male adults.
His leadership was enthusiastically accepted, and his classes grew in numbers. He came to realise that he needed a certain type of competitive recreational game in order to vary his programme. Basketball, a sport that was beginning to develop, seemed to suit young people, but it was necessary to find a less violent and less intense alternative for the older members.
At that time Morgan knew of no similar game to volleyball which could guide him; he developed it from his own sports training methods and his practical experience in the YMCA gymnasium. Describing his first experiments he said, "In search of an appropriate game, tennis occurred to me, but this required rackets, balls, a net and other equipment, so it was eliminated, but the idea of a net seemed a good one. We raised it to a height of about 6 feet, 6 inches (1.98 metres) from the ground, just above the head of an average man. We needed a ball and among those we tried was a basketball bladder, but this was too light and too slow. We therefore tried the basketball itself, which was too big and too heavy."
In the end, Morgan asked the firm of A.G. Spalding & Bros. to make a ball, which they did at their factory near Chicopee, in Massachusetts. The result was satisfactory: the ball was leather-covered, with a rubber inner tube, its circumference was not less than 25 and not more than 27 inches (63.5 cm and 68.6 cm, respectively), and its weight not less than 9 and not more than 12 ounces (252 gr and 336 gr, respectively).
Morgan asked two of his friends from Holyoke, Dr. Frank Wood and John Lynch, to draw up (based on his suggestions) the basic concepts of the game together with the first 10 rules.
Early in 1896 a conference was organized at the YMCA College in Springfield, bringing together all the YMCA Directors of Physical Education. Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, director of the professional physical education training school (and also executive director of the department of physical education of the International Committee of YMCA's) invited Morgan to make a demonstration of his game in the new college stadium. Morgan took two teams, each made up of five men (and some loyal fans) to Springfield, where the demonstration was made before the conference delegates in the east gymnasium. The captain of one of the teams was J.J. Curran and of the other John Lynch who were respectively, mayor and chief of the fire brigade of Holyoke.
Morgan explained that the new game was designed for gymnasia or exercise halls, but could also be played in open air. An unlimited number of players could participate, the object of the game being to keep the ball in movement over a high net, from one side to the other.
After seeing the demonstration, and hearing the explanation of Morgan, Professor Alfred T. Halstead called attention to the action, or the act phase, of the ball's flight, and proposed that the name "Mintonette" be replaced by "Volley Ball." This name was accepted by Morgan and the conference. (It is interesting to note that the same name has survived over the years, with one slight alteration: in 1952, the Administrative Committee of the USVBA voted to spell the name with one word, "Volleyball", but continued to use USVBA to signify United States Volleyball Association).
Morgan explained the rules and worked on them, then gave a hand-written copy to the conference of YMCA directors of physical education, as a guide for the use and development of the game. A committee was appointed to study the rules and produce suggestions for the game's promotion and teaching.
A brief report on the new game and its rules was published in the July 1896 edition of "Physical Education" and the rules were included in the 1897 edition of the first official handbook of the North American YMCA Athletic League.
The young Morgan carried out his undergraduate studies at the Springfield College of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) where he met James Naismith who, in 1891, had invented basketball. After graduating, Morgan spent his first year at the Auburn (Maine) YMCA after which, during the summer of 1895, he moved to the YMCA at Holyoke (Massachusetts) where he became director of physical education. In this role he had the opportunity to establish, develop and direct a vast programme of exercises and sport classes for male adults.
His leadership was enthusiastically accepted, and his classes grew in numbers. He came to realise that he needed a certain type of competitive recreational game in order to vary his programme. Basketball, a sport that was beginning to develop, seemed to suit young people, but it was necessary to find a less violent and less intense alternative for the older members.
At that time Morgan knew of no similar game to volleyball which could guide him; he developed it from his own sports training methods and his practical experience in the YMCA gymnasium. Describing his first experiments he said, "In search of an appropriate game, tennis occurred to me, but this required rackets, balls, a net and other equipment, so it was eliminated, but the idea of a net seemed a good one. We raised it to a height of about 6 feet, 6 inches (1.98 metres) from the ground, just above the head of an average man. We needed a ball and among those we tried was a basketball bladder, but this was too light and too slow. We therefore tried the basketball itself, which was too big and too heavy."
In the end, Morgan asked the firm of A.G. Spalding & Bros. to make a ball, which they did at their factory near Chicopee, in Massachusetts. The result was satisfactory: the ball was leather-covered, with a rubber inner tube, its circumference was not less than 25 and not more than 27 inches (63.5 cm and 68.6 cm, respectively), and its weight not less than 9 and not more than 12 ounces (252 gr and 336 gr, respectively).
Morgan asked two of his friends from Holyoke, Dr. Frank Wood and John Lynch, to draw up (based on his suggestions) the basic concepts of the game together with the first 10 rules.
Early in 1896 a conference was organized at the YMCA College in Springfield, bringing together all the YMCA Directors of Physical Education. Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, director of the professional physical education training school (and also executive director of the department of physical education of the International Committee of YMCA's) invited Morgan to make a demonstration of his game in the new college stadium. Morgan took two teams, each made up of five men (and some loyal fans) to Springfield, where the demonstration was made before the conference delegates in the east gymnasium. The captain of one of the teams was J.J. Curran and of the other John Lynch who were respectively, mayor and chief of the fire brigade of Holyoke.
Morgan explained that the new game was designed for gymnasia or exercise halls, but could also be played in open air. An unlimited number of players could participate, the object of the game being to keep the ball in movement over a high net, from one side to the other.
After seeing the demonstration, and hearing the explanation of Morgan, Professor Alfred T. Halstead called attention to the action, or the act phase, of the ball's flight, and proposed that the name "Mintonette" be replaced by "Volley Ball." This name was accepted by Morgan and the conference. (It is interesting to note that the same name has survived over the years, with one slight alteration: in 1952, the Administrative Committee of the USVBA voted to spell the name with one word, "Volleyball", but continued to use USVBA to signify United States Volleyball Association).
Morgan explained the rules and worked on them, then gave a hand-written copy to the conference of YMCA directors of physical education, as a guide for the use and development of the game. A committee was appointed to study the rules and produce suggestions for the game's promotion and teaching.
A brief report on the new game and its rules was published in the July 1896 edition of "Physical Education" and the rules were included in the 1897 edition of the first official handbook of the North American YMCA Athletic League.
How to Build Up Your Stamina
Step 1
Choose an aerobic activity that you can do each day for those three days. Aerobic exercises use large muscle groups, get your heart pumping and can help to improve your stamina. Examples include cycling, walking, jogging, doing aerobics and swimming. Do this activity for 30 to 60 minutes at a time each day, increasing the intensity of your workout a bit each day.
Step 2
Do some weight training each day. Increasing your muscle strength not only improves your balance, blood pressure, bone density and flexibility, it can also boost your energy levels and increase your endurance, according to the American College of Sports Medicine.
Step 3
Get the suggested amount of sleep each night. Sleep is crucial for athletic performance, states the National Sleep Foundation. Your body needs REM sleep, so that both your body and brain get the energy necessary to power you through your activities. The recommended amount of sleep you need depends on your age. Teens need eight and a half to nine and a quarter hours of sleep each night, while adults need seven to nine hours.
Step 4
Eliminate all junk food and fast food from your diet. Filling your body with empty calories can make you unhealthy and decrease your stamina.
Step 5
Focus on eating as healthy as you can during your three days of stamina building. Ensure that you're fueling your body with an assortment of beneficial foods, containing carbohydrates, high-quality fats, minerals, fibers and proteins. Vegetables and fruit, along with fish and nuts that contain omega-3 essential fatty acids, help your heart and circulation, while whole grains provide you with energy. Protein helps to build and repair your muscles. A good breakfast, for example, could contain eggs, fresh fruit, low-fat milk and whole wheat bread.
Step 6
Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout to replace fluids lost when you sweat, to prevent dehydration
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