jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

Top 50 Volleyball Actions

3 comentarios:

  1. In my opinion, volleyball is a very complete and fun game if you play well and as a team and not on your own.

    Owner: Is the player who distributes the game.

    Central: He is the highest player of the team and occupies the position 3 as a forward, his function is to get together with the players at the ends.

    Tip puncher: excellent position puncher.

    Opposite: The auctioneer of greater volume of game, with regard to balls raised by the owner.

    Libero: player created, his function is eminently defensive example reception of the ball of the opposite service, coverage or support and defense of any ball attacked by the opposing team.

  2. Good video Samuel, I liked all or almost all the games of the video, some I could not even imagine since only a few of the professionals can do them, although it is also true that those who dedicate themselves to it have a much better ability to do it. It is a very difficult sport but practicing everything is achieved as everything in this life. I've seen some more videos of our comrades but from my point of view this has been the most interesting about this sport because to make this sport a little more we will have to put on the most spectacular plays. Great video Samuel.

  3. This video i found very interesting and some plays and actions are very well made.


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