martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

3 comentarios:

  1. in this short video he explains how to improve our speed, at the beginning of the video he tells us in a funny way that to get that speed we need speed of reaction, be faster than anyone or everything.
    He then explains five specific exercises for speed.
    The first is pylometric which consists of running at a medium speed but in big strides, the second is explosive movements consisting of quick movements to improve the reaction of the legs, the third is resistance training, you need resistance to run and not get tired, run have to find you well not fatigued or drowned, the fourth is leg stregth you must have strong legs and trained for a better performance and finally the fifth ruco for a higher speed is single leg squat is an exercise with one leg equlibrio helps the concentration and maximum stability

  2. This video help me to run fast, Thanks

  3. I don't see the title of the video, but the description helped me to understand the publication. I like the video posted and I learn a lot of running and running faster. The part of the video that I most liked is when he explain the fourth movement. I really like that exercise and I will practice. Lucas explain too, that this movement is leg stregth you must have strong legs and trained for a better performance, and I dont understand very good what I have to do to "trained for a better performance" and the levels to do it.
    Also I will practise all the exercises, I think this video will be true and is a good manner of run faster.

    Thank you Lucas.


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