jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

How to increase endurance

Step 1
Calculate your  heart rate. According to the University of Arkansas, your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

Step 2
Play a sport or engage in an exercise activity that you enjoy. For example, it could be a team sport such as soccer, a head-to-head sport like tennis or a solo pursuit such as swimming. Build up to more strenuous exercises as your endurance improves.

Step 3
Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. If you're a beginner, break the 30 minutes into 10-minute chunks. Ensure each session contains sustained exercise that increases your heart and breathing rate. Build exercise into your daily routine so that it becomes a habit.

Step 4
Mix your routine up. For example, alternate your three chosen activities every two days. In the days in between, try jogging, swimming or gym sessions. A broader range of exercise works more of your body's muscles. Don't feel you have to do high-intensity activities every day; a brisk walk is fine every few days.

Step 5
Test your heart rate after a month of daily exercise. Measure just after or during a session. Note any improvements.

Step 6
Increase the intensity and duration of your sessions if your heart rate has improved. This is a sign that your stamina and endurance are increasing. For example, try swapping a low-intensity workout for a high-intensity one. This will keep your stamina and endurance building over time.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi i'm Óscar and i put this post of how to increase the endurance because i interested in it and i think that endurance is very important, it can help you in your daily life and it's to important to play some sports like football, basketball and swimming too.
    In this post you can see 6 different tips to improve your endurance and your stamine too. If you are starting in the endurance is better to do less hard exercises and increasing the difficult later, is important to be patient too, and don't want to do hard endurance training the first day.
    I hope you like the post, regards.

  2. Hello, my name is Gabriel and I think you have chosen an interesting post because, in my opinion, it mixes all the important things in just 6 steps or tips, for example, the third step says that you should build exercise in your daily routine and that in my experience is so important. The post suggest that you should do activities that you like and mix them, doing the same activity every day could finish being bored and that could make that you stop. For me it’s important to see the progress so you don’t get discouraged and stop improving.


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