miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021

Exercises of strengh to do at home


4 comentarios:

  1. In this video, the girl explain us 5 exercises of strenght to do at home.
    The first exercises that explain is a squat to row, you have to put the feet and the elbows at the same distance, she says you have to do the squat and pull the strings back when you have the inicial position, this exercise -> 10 - 15 repeticions.
    The next is a tipe a push up, you start with the position of the plank, you do the push up, and then move your kees forward, and then another push up, this exercise -> 10 - 15 repetitios.
    The next is the triceps dip, you neex a cher or a bench, you have to support your arms and that your body does not touch the bench, in this way you work the triceps, and bending the elbows low and up, it can be done with the knees at 90 degrees or with them extended, the samen number of repeticions.
    Another exercise is a burpee with a shoulder press, consist in start raised, them touch with the hands the floor, then go in the plank position, return to the previous position and finally stand up, this exercise 10 - 15 repeticions too.
    And the last exercise is a tipe of split squat, consist put one leg in 90 degreese with a foot on the floor, and the other leg backwards, then lift the weights, and stand up, this exercise the same repetitions that all.
    This video is interesant becouse tell you 5 exercises to do at home and practise the strenght, i think she explain it very well and i like it.

  2. Hello, I'm Sofía.
    In this video a girl expain us the top 5 of strenght training exercise to do at home.
    The first exercise is squat to row exercise, that consist in, with your feet hip distance apart and keep the shoulders depressed, and push your hips back and come down into a squat.
    The second exercise is the push up with a mountain climber, you put in push up position on the ground, keep your body in a straight line, and lower your chest until it almost touches the ground and push up, bring your right knee into your chest and the same with the left knee and push up again and repeat.
    The third exercise is for the triceps (triceps dip) and you need a chair, you have to put your face forward with the palms facing down, and scoot yourself off until your gips are off the bench and put your knees at a 90 degrees angle, and lower your hips down as your elbows shoot straight back and pause and do it again.
    The fourth exercise is burpee with a shoulder press, and you have to put into a squat position until your hands fully come down to the ground and hop your legs back and keep your hands on the ground, and put again in staing position and when you get the top come up into a shoulder press.
    The fifth and last exercise is the split squat with a bicep curl. You have to take a step back with one of your leg and in this position lower down until a place that you are comfortable and come into a bicep curl lower the arms down by your side and press up to normal position.
    I like this video because are exercises that you can do at home and now this is good. She explains with the other girl very good the exercises.

  3. This video shows 5 strength exercises you can do at home. A girl explains with detail each exercise while another does them, in this way you can understand easily how the exercises should be done correctly.
    I liked this training because the exercises are very complete, in each one you can work out several muscles of different parts of the body at the same time.
    The only thing I didn’t like is that some exercises require materials, such as weights or rubber bands, which not everyone has at home. But you could replace them by other objects, for example you could use water bottles instead of weights.

  4. I have chosen to comment this video because I think it is very important to keep doing exercise at home, specially at these moments in which we cannot go too much outdoors, so we need to exercise indoors. These five exercises would help us to improve our strength, which is important, but you also must train other basic physical capacity. My favorite exercise of these five ones is the third, called "Triceps Dio". I prefer this one because you do not need any weight, only a chair, and everyone has a chair but not everyone has weights or elastic cords.


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