jueves, 14 de enero de 2021

Strength routine

5 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because I found it to be a very practical video, there are exercises that you can practice without any type of material only with your body and others that if you use material. The first exercise he teaches is a squat, it is an exercise that we all know, if you already have a slightly more advanced level you can add some dumbbells. The following exercise is one that we have done in class, as it is a video for beginners, it consists of doing a push-up but with the knees supported. Therefore it is easier to start. The next one is called the gluteal bridge, it is an exercise that I have practiced for example. At first it seems simple but when you do a few repetitions you can already see the work. The next one is called inverted rowing. I don't like this exercise very much because for example I couldn't practice it because I don't have the necessary equipment. The next exercise is called a lunge walk. This exercise I have practiced very similar, only raising the arms above the head. It not only serves to gain strength, it also serves to stretch. It is a very complete exercise. In the next two exercises you need material. But not in the last one. It consists of making an iron. For this exercise there you have to be very concentrated and have your back straight and not lift your butt. It seems to me a super complete video, and very simple for people like me who are starting.

  2. I have chosen this video because I find it very interesting as it explains that without the need to use any object, simply with our own body we can gain more strength.

    And it seemed very good to me how different parts of the body have alternated so that none of them overload and then we have muscle pain.
    Although in some exercises if you have used objects but well, nothing happens so you can complement the exercises you are doing without weights.
    The truth is that he has explained it very well and even people who have not exercised in their lives could easily follow these exercises.

  3. Hi Alba:
    I like your video because is a very practical, there are exercises that you can practice without any type of material only with your body and others that if you use material. And I like the exercise that you do push ups because we practise in physical education and is good. And I like the exercise of weigths because you practise the arms that is very important

  4. I have decided to choose this video, because I found the types of exercises it does very interesting, since it does the basic exercises to have a normal force, I also find it very interesting how it explains each of the exercises, explains them in a clear and simple way, easy to understand.

  5. Hello, I have decided this video because the exercises that he does have seemed quite interesting to me and how doing that every day or almost every day you can gain resistance and strength both and many of the exercises that have been done in the video you can do You at home.
    He has explained it very well and it is what I liked the most about the video the explanation.
    and you don't have to make any excuses to get in shape because if you never do, you will never be in shape


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