lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021

Football Respect & Emotional Moments 2021


2 comentarios:

  1. I have uploaded this blog because in addition to the fact that we have been giving soccer in physical education, it has always been a sport that I have liked since I was little. I watch games of all kinds, leagues and nations and there is always one thing in all of them that they have in common, the respect they have for each other, giving everything the same. Football, as in any of the other sports, there have been emotional moments and great gestures of kindness so that is why I have uploaded this video of the best respectful and emotional moments of this 2021. I hope you like it, put a comment with the best moment of the video for you. Greetings!!


  2. I have chosen to comment on this video because in Victor's comment, I think it reflects very well on mine since we talk about the same issue of respect, although his is aimed at sports and mine at life in general, and I keep saying the same thing in the end, what counts is respect and discipline because, for example, what I get is, apart from effort and dedication, it is because of discipline and respect. In answering you, what I liked the most about the video was when Mbappe goes with the child and takes a photo with the child.


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