domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021

PNF stretching method 

2 comentarios:

  1. I am Lucía González from 4ºB and for this first task of the flexibility unit I have chosen this video in which a girl and a boy show us in a gym one of the flexibility methods that we have practiced, the PNF method, this method consists of stretching a muscle to your limit for 15 seconds and then do an isometric contraction for 5 seconds, stretch again another 15 seconds to the limit, follow with another isometric contact of 5 seconds and finish stretching to the limit 15 seconds. Doing these exercises is very good to improve our flexibility.

  2. Hello, I am Marta, I really liked this video since it tries to do stretching with a partner, stretching with a partner seems quite interesting to me, because you can see the limit of each person, this video specifically deals with PNF stretching means that you have to be continuously doing the exercise and breaks, depending on the stretches you can have more or less flexibility, and it depends on how many times you do flexibility.


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