martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Basketball virginia

1 comentario:

  1. Hello I'm Virginia from 4 ESO again another evaluation in which we have focused on basketball as a sport, that's why I decided to choose a video with this basketball theme.
    One of the worst things that has been giving me in basketball practice has been the shot to basket so I decided to choose a video that mainly comes out this, since I am wrong I am surprised much more how they get These amazing baskets.
    In that video come out of the greatest figures of the current NBA and gets to collect plays that some players make when they throw a basket, which maybe can go unnoticed to win some of the people who do not follow all these games. It even comes out some play of the Olympic games.
    It is seen how these professional players have so much force that they throw the thrusters with so much power that they resound the whole basket, besides having so much power in bodybuilding and they have a great agility, since they get great jumps in the air and moves very fast to deceive Unlike.
    You also see some plays of the allstar which is a good example of this type of baskets so surprising.
    The truth is that the video is very gnawing because the less you are asimbrate with the eagerness of these players.
    A greeting and I hope you like it.


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