sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017



1 comentario:

  1. Hello to everybody!

    Welcome to my post. I'm sure you will like it! Now, I'm going to explain you the reasons of why I have chosen this video for my task in this Physical Education blog:

    1- In my opinion, to shoot a basket and score is one of the most difficult parts of basketball.
    2- If we have difficulties with this part it’s important and interesting how to improve our skills.
    3- I’m not really good either and I wanted to search information about shooting better. I think it is a good idea to share it with you.

    Methods that are commented in the video:

    1- The shot line: It is the straight movement, from down to up of the ball. We can do it from our right or our left side, or from the middle. If we are right-handed it is better to do it from the right side, but if we are left-handed, it is better to do it from the left side.

    2- The ball dip: When we catch the ball high, it is important to bring it down first, before shooting or going up following the shot line.

    3- The follow through: Our accurate will be better, if we guide the ball moving our hand down when we are finishing the movement.

    Enjoy the video! After that, I am sure you will shoot better.

    I hope you had a great time watching my post!

    So long!


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