viernes, 7 de abril de 2023

3 Effective Basketball moves for begginers

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi I am Jaime Malanda Castelao and i decided to choose this video because I find usefull to learn this moves or techniques for persons that are beggining in basketball.
    Also I choosed this video because of the short it is, this lenght makes the spectator to keep watching until it finish. The video shows some techniques that are easy to do and also there are well explained. For conclusion we can say that this is a good video to see if you are a begginer in basketball.

  2. Hi my name is Gabriel and in this video that Jaime shows to us it is very interesting the decision of choosing this video, the moves and techniques are useful for people new in the sport, this video is a very good choose about the length of the video, the most part of expectator like more today to watch short videos than a long one, they want to see the best things in the less time beacouse if they don’t entertain with it they are maybe not choosing again this type of videos or the channel of the guy that uploaded this clips.


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